

Is fusion used for commercial energy?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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No, it is still very experimental. Commercial use is many years away

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Q: Is fusion used for commercial energy?
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Related questions

How is fusion energy used?

It is not used on earth

What type of energy is used for sublification and fusion?

Heat energy.

How is fusion one of your sources of energy?

Right now, except for the Sun, fusion is not a viable source of energy. We do not expect commercial production from fusion energy for another 50 to 100 years, if then. The technological obstacles are presently insurmountable, primarily due to problems with containment, but we are working on them.

What are the two type of reactors?

There are fission and fusion reactors. However, at present (2016) there is no commercial fusion reactor which can produce more energy than is required to operate it.

What is the type of energy used in the process of fusion on the sun?

That is called nuclear energy.

Is fusion an atomic process that is used to produce energy?

Fusion occurs when two atomic nuclei collide. The reaction that is produce by the collision can be used to provide energy. Fusion is the reaction that powers most active stars in the universe.

What percent of the US' energy does nuclear fusion supply?

The nuclear fusion is not used now as a source of energy; probable possible in a far future.

How does nuclear fission differ from nuclear fusion?

Nuclear fission is the process of splitting a nucleus with a large mass into two nuclei with smaller masses. The energy released can then be used to produce electricity. Nuclear fusion is the process of merging nuclei with smaller masses into a nucleus with a larger mass. The energy released by this reaction may someday be used to produce electricity. In other words, Nuclear Fusion is the exact opposite of Nuclear fission. While Nuclear Fission is splitting a nucleus into two nuclei, nuclear fusion is merging two nuclei into a nucleus.

What is the energy from fusion used to heat?

SOS look it up

What are facts about nuclear fusion?

Nuclear fusion releases huge amounts of energy. It occurs when the nuclei of elements are fused together at high temperatures and high pressure. Fusion energy is used to produce energy for some of the Earth's cities.

What percentage is nuclear fusion used in the US?

0% No country gets any of its energy from fusion as nobody has figured out how to build a controlled fusion reactor.

Which fuel has the best store of energy?

hydrogen when used for nuclear fusion