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you can gets loads in pregnancy even at the beginning that is a sign.

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Q: Is heavy vaginal discharge during the first trimester?
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How long does vaginal bleeding last during the first trimester?

the whole 9 months

Do you always have vaginal discharge at the time of ovulation?


Is slight cramping normal in the first trimester?

Yes cramping is normal during the first trimester. Its due to the baby growing and stretching you internally which is why you have cramps. Any bloody discharge, or spotting or sharp cramps should be reported to your doctor.

Can you get normal like period bleeding while pregnant?

You can't have your period while being pregnant. However, you can have vaginal bleeding frequently during your first trimester.

What is early pregnancy loss?

The traditional designations are: During the first trimester - abortion (spontaneous abortion, if you want to avoid ambiguity) During the second trimester - miscarriage During the third trimester - stillbirth

Do you usually gain weight during the first trimester?

Some people gain no weight during the first trimester, particularly if they have morning sickness. Other people gain a small amount, particularly towards the end of the first trimester. The most weight is gained during the second trimester though.

Why am i getting vaginal discharge if i haven't had my period yet?

A girl's first vaginal discharge usually occurs anywhere from 6 to 18 months before their first period, or menarche. It's a sign that puberty is in full swing.

Which trimester is most critical for the development of a baby?

The first trimester is most critical for the development of a baby. The babies brain is formed during the first trimester.

What is developing during the first trimester?

a baby

What is Vaginal discharge after the first week after childbirth?

During the first week after childbirth (or around 5 days) one would experience "lochia rubra" a bright red discharge, since it contains blood, obviously. That will pass and turn to lochia serosa, a brownish discharge, and eventually will end up to lochia alba, a whitish discharge.

What hormones could be implicated in failing to maintain the pregnancy during the first trimester?

What hormones could be implicated in failing to maintain the pregnancy during the first trimester?

What is the medical term meaning vaginal discharge during the first couple weeks after giving birth?

It is called Lochia and lasts for about 4-6 weeks