

Is it against the law to lock children out?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Q: Is it against the law to lock children out?
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Is it against the law to lock children outside?

Yes it is. You should never lock a child outside. Ever.

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No, yelling at your children is not against the law.

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No, it is not against the law to own lock picks in Los Angeles.

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On the contrary, many jurisdictions jail delinquent obligors.

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Yes, you may be classififed as peadophile if you do.

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Not in Australia

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Village priests got married and had children, which is against the church law.

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Do not abuse children it is illeage (against the law)

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Because it's against the law.

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It could depend on the reasons and circumstances of the situation, but not that I am aware of.

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Yes it is against the law for a child under the age of 18 to smoke. If the activity is acted upon under your care it is your responsibility for their mishap.

Is it against the law in Washington State to land-lock someones property?

Yes, actually that is the law in ALL states. You may not deny someone access to a public right-of-way, by barring passage over your property.