

Best Answer
  • If you are fearful of speaking out about your abuse, find legal ways to keep the abuser from harming you.
  • On the very contrary. Sharing what you went through can help you achieve closure. Secrecy is the abuser's weapon!
  • No. Exposure is protection.
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Q: Is it bad to go around talking about your abuser and what they did to you?
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go to counciling

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The best thing that family can do for a substance abuser is stage an intervention. Once that intervention has been staged, present the abuser with the opportunity to go to rehab.

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You should go see the abuse counselor first and get some idea of what he or she is able to do for you. Once you get some positive, constructive tools in dealing with abuse and can show (maybe) that you are trying to help the abuser as well as the abused, the family member may realize that you are not just trying to make the abuser look bad. ~ T

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Most of the time. The trick is not to LET him/ her back.

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Raushan Hammond goes by The Abuser.

What should you do when the police know about your abuser yet the police officer covers him and your family wants to keep silent?

If you live in another county or town then go further away and retain a lawyer to see what your rights are. Be prepared to pack your things when your abuser is not around and find out where the closest Women's Shelter is wherever you decide to go. You should discuss this with other family members because they are obviously nervous that the abuser or the police officer could make trouble for them. If you live in a large city then go to another district of the city and retain a lawyer.

What are the ways in which you cannot be heavily involved with an abuser but want to keep the relationship?

Abuser of what? drugs or you? Convince them to go to anger management, or rehab. talk to them and try to make them stop.

What are the penalties in court for abusing someone?

The abuser would probably have to go to jail.

Are you in danger of being abused by your boyfriend when he regularly accuses you of talking to other men and gets angry when you go out with friends?

I'm warning you, he might be an abuser. If he hurts you, you need to get out of that relationship ASAP. If he won't leave you alone, you can file a restraining order.

What to do when friend finds out your talking bad about her?

First stop saying bad things about her. Second apologize for what you have said.