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It depends if you live in an area with a colder temperature like say the north then YES it is bad to leave pot plants outside. What you really need is some where rather hot or humid so your pot plant can grow.

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Q: Is it bad to plant pot seeds outside?
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How long do you have to Waite for a pot plant to make seeds?

about 1 to 2 years

How can aloe vera seeds be harvested?

Aloe is made from seeds all you have to do plant them in a pot. Aloe is very low maintains.

How do you grow watermelon from seeds?

Just plant it on a pot give lots of water and sunlight.

How do you plant seeds of herbs?

You put them in the ground or in a small pot then transplant into your garden when they are bigger

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take a pot and plant the seeds. Use UFO lights and hang about five above the plant. water daily and by time the tree gorws it should be summer

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It's bad to grow any plant too close to the side of a pot. It should be in the center.

How do you put a seed in a pot in wizard 101?

go to home and click the button that says gardening and then click the button that has seeds on it and then click the seed you want to plant and then click the pot

How can you grow a lemon out of its seeds?

Plant the seed in dirt. It will hopefully grow into a lemon tree. I'd start in a pot in the house.

How many seeds do lemons produce?

It depends on how big the pot is, but I would say maximum three seeds in a regular pot with the size of two hands. When the tomato seeds are starting to spring, you should divide them and put them in one pot each. A good idea would be to NOT plant them in your garden before they have their first flower. Good luck!

Can you plant zucchini in a pot?

yes you can plant a zucchini plant ina pot

How do you pot cress seeds?

you can pot dem by putting cottenwool and tissuepaper (toilet paper) in a plastic container then sprinkle in the seeds.

How many watermelon seeds can you plant in one pot?

One seed, but it is best to plant three to ensure you get good germination. Then select the strongest plant and pull out the others.