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If the vehicle is going under 15mph and has its 4ways on then yes except for interstates

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Q: Is it legal to ride in the back of a pickup truck in New York?
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Is it legal to ride in the back of a pickup truck in las Vegas?


Riding in the back of a pickup truck in Arkansas?

It is not legal to ride in the back of a pickup truck in Arkansas and you can be fined for doing so. There are still some states where you can ride in the back of a truck but Arkansas isn't one of them.

Is riding in the back of a pickup truck illegal in Alabama?

No, it is not illegal for a person or persons to ride in the back of a pickup truck in Alabama. Other states where it is legal are Iowa, Idaho, and Alaska.

Las Vegas Nevada is it legal to ride in the back of a pickup truck and what age?

Yes 18

Is riding in the back of a truck legal in Colorado?

in the state of Colorado, it is legal to ride in the back of a pickup truck, if the person is 16 or older. Anyone under the age of 16 must be restrained in a safety belt inside of the truck.

Is it legal to ride in the back of a pickup truck in the UK?

# No its against the law because of safety issues xD. =]

Is it legal to ride in back of truck in texas?

It is illegal to allow anyone under 18 to ride in the open bed of a pickup.

Riding in back of truck legal in Illinois?

No. Riding in the back of a truck is NOT legal in Illinois.

Is it illegal to ride in back of pickup truck in Nevada?


What is the back of a pickup truck called?

called the bed

Is it legal to ride in the back of a pickup in GA?

yes it is legal

What kind of truck is a pickup truck?

A pickup truck has a shell in the back. This shell is an opening in which stuff can be stored; such as motor vehicles, tools etc. Pickup trucks are good for people who need the extra space.