

Best Answer
Stretching a Naval PiercingYes. Simply upgrade the bar gauge of the metal your putting in your naval. One gauge level a week or two will probably stretch it fine. Stop when you hit the gauge size you want.
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Q: Is it possible to stretch a navel piercing if the hole is too small for a certain piece of jewelry?
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depending on whether or not you pull on the jewelry aggressively.

What gaude is a labret?

This all depends on what size needle your piercing artist uses when performing the piercing. But after your piercing is healed, you can stretch the gauge size bigger to fit other jewelry. C:

How do you stretch the cartilage piercing?

Same as you would stretch any other piercing except much more slowly. Cartilage is difficult to stretch and may not stretch. It just varies from person to person.

Is it possible to reduce an 18-gauge piercing to a 20-gauge piercing or is it only possible to stretch your piercings?

As long as the jewelry is not to heavy the skin will eventually shrink, and your not going to drastic so yes it should shrink to a 20g within a few months or less. --- i have my ears stretched to around a 2g and they are almost completely closed up, so given that, I'm sure if you put in a smaller ring the skin should close up on it.

What are piercing plugs?

Plugs are different from regular body piercing jewelry because they are intended to "plug" a space. Plugs are used when people gauge (stretch) their piercings. Plugs are most common on lobe piercings, but can be used on virtually any piercing, as long as there is room to gauge. Plugs can be hollow or solid and come in a variety of sizes.

How do you stretch a new lip piercing?

you can buy stretchers

How do you stretch nipple piercing?

You should get a professional to do it with a taper.

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What is the best way to stretch your monroe piercing hole?

Just like any other piercing... just add bigger gauge jewelry or use tappers i have my ears stretched to an inch and have stretched my lip ring to a 6 it doesn't hurt nearly as bad and heals way faster

Do you have to use a hollow tip to pierce your belly button?

Well all tri-beveled piercing needles are hollow. If you are asking more astutely if you can use a sewing You wouldn't be able to slide a 14g piece of jewelry after having pierced it with a more than likely 22 or 16g sewing needle, and then you would have to stretch the fresh piercing (which you don't do). Even if you were to find a needle of the same size as the jewelry, it can be quite tricky to transfer the needle out and the jewelry in when doing this. The hollow piercing needles work quite well for this, in that you can place the end of the jewelry in the divot, thereby making it go through quite easily.

How can you stretch your piercing?

Answer :Get tapers.If you want a bigger hole and a stretched piercing, you can choose either one of two options - a gradual stretching or a big piercing right at the beginning.For the faint hearted, it is better to start with a small piercing and stretch it over time. You can get yourself pierced with higher gauge jewelry such as 16 gauge. Once you get used to wearing your starter jewelry, you can gradually increase the thickness of the jewelry. To accommodate the thicker jewelry, your piercing will get stretched over time. Once it has stretched as much as you want it to, you can stick to wearing that size body jewelry.And now for the brave hearted. If you think you have it in you, you can go for a stretched piercing at the start itself. Instead of getting pierced with thin jewelry and then increasing the size slowly, you can get yourself pierced with thick 10 gauge jewelry itself to start off with. Although the process will be much more painful than being pierced with a fine needle, and the period of healing will also increase considerably; once the so-called dust has settled, you will get your desired stretched piercing.Answeryou can stretch the hole in your piercing. you can go to Hot Topic and get gauges and plugs to stretch the piercing hole but be careful on how big you get because once you go to like a 00 it won't go back. ________________Additions and amendments to previous posts: First, many shops will not pierce with anything lower than a 14g. needle (1.6mm), I personally recommend a 10g. needle because the larger the piercing the less probability of damage from towels, clothing, and every day activities. Also, larger gauge piercings heal just as fast as smaller gauge piercings. In fact depending on the method used to pierce, some large gauge piercings will heal faster, in all if it's done with a needle or dermal punch (of any gauge) it will take about a month to heal. After it's healed you can go back to your piercer and they will stretch it and add new autoclaved jewelry or you can buy the tapers and do it yourself, but your jewelry will not be sterile so be sure to not tear the skin. Another way to stretch already large (half inch/13mm) piercings is to slowly add PTFE (plumbers or electrical) tape one strip at a time. You can add one strip per day but be careful not to exceed your stretching point because it will tear. If your piercing tears reduce the jewelry size and heal them up for a month before attempting to stretch again. The stretching process is far more painful than the actual piercing so be prepared, it doesn't however take as long for the pain and swelling to subside. Also, at a 00g. it is still possible to take the jewelry out and have them return to the original piercing size, but it may take years. After about an inch (yes people stretch to an inch and I have heard of up to 6 inches) you will not be able to shrink your lobes with out cosmetic surgery and even after a half inch you would be luck to get back down to a 00g. Large piercings are a life long commitment and if you're not prepared to live with that commitment for the rest of your life then you need to stay at or below a 0g. Good luck and I hope this helped.

Does being pregnant actually stretch your belly button piercing?

It may not stretch the hole, but it often does cause stretch marks from the scar if it is already closed.