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No way.Pregnancyafter 35 years of age is considered as high risk pregnancy. Even without your acidre-fluxit is not advisable. Acid re-flux isaggravatedin later months of pregnancy and so please do not go for it.

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Q: Is it safe to get pregnant at 47 with an ulcer from acid reflux?
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Related questions

Are there any natural remedies for acid reflux that are safe and effective?

There is an article at that lists many safe and effective methods for acid reflux. This article also gives you a lot of other information about acid reflux.

Is there a reflux friendly diet?

A reflux diet is a diet for people with Acid Reflux. It's basically just a list of foods that one can eat without getting heartburn, and I don't see any reason it wouldn't be safe.

is it safe to add an acid reflux diet to a weight loss diet?

Yes, you may add an acid reflux diet into your weight loss diet, as long as you maintain your minimum required daily calorie intake and eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains.

Is there a safe and health diet for someone with heartburn?

Certain foods can aggravate your heartburn symptoms, and when planning your acid reflux diet, it's best to limit or avoid completely those foods and drinks that result in acid reflux. There are some foods that have little or no potential for causing heartburn.

Are amino acid supplements safe to take while being pregnant?

Yes. It is safe to take amino acid supplements during pregnancy. But they are not indicated and are expensive.

Which kinds of foods are safe for me to eat so I don't have a bad reaction?

Spicy foods usually cause most people to have acid reflux. Greasy and fatty foods also cause people to have acid reflux. Try eliminating those from your diet for a few days and see if that helps any.

Is taking folic acid helpful in getting pregnant your doctor gave you a folic acid tablet of 1000mcg Is it safe to take that?

It is safe to take. I helps prevent neural tube disorders in babies.

Is apple cider vinegar good for acid reflux?

Vinegar is not meant for babies. This is a strong liquid that would take the breath away from a baby if they inhale it. It is safe enough to use for washing clothes or for bathing of the skin in a diluted manner however.

What kind of diet should someone with acid reflux eat?

People with acid reflux should avoid caffeine, greasy food, grains, sweets and acidic foods. Alcohol can also trigger heartburn, so it should be avoided. has a heartburn section that includes charts listing foods to be avoided, foods to eat with discretion and foods that are safe.

Is it safe to use 20 saslicylic acid on a pregnant woman in her second trimester?

No. Only 1 per day.

Can dogs get acid reflux?

Absolutely -- a dog certainly can get acid reflux. Mine has had it for years as a result of some chronic g/i issues. Talk to you vet about some of the human over-the-counter reflux medicines that are safe for dogs to take such as Pepcid, Prilosec as well as a few others. Your vet will recommend the correct dosage for your dog based on weight. You also need to describe the symptoms to your vet to help determine what the underlying cause of the reflux is since reflux may (or may not) be symptomatic of a deeper issue.

What is the best medicine for ulcer?

Antacids neutralize existing acid in the stomach. Antacids such as Maalox, Mylanta, and Amphojel are safe and effective treatments.