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I would recommend that with any medicines..prescriptions, OTC, vitamins, herbs that you talk with your ob/gyn doctor or his/her nurse ---- Tylenol is generally considered a safe medication during pregnancy. It is category B for pregnancy, which means there are no studies in animals or humans showing detrimental effects. I do agree, generally, with the sentiment above, however, that any new medication should be discussed with your Obstetrician if there are any questions or concerns.

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Q: Is it safe to take Tylenol rapid release when pregnant?
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Ive been doing research into safe pain relief for my pregnant wife, it seems as if Tylenol (aceteminophen) is safe for pregnant women, but one should stay under the recommended adult dosage for the OTC pill, Tylenol 3 have quite a larger dose and most likely would exceed the accepted safe dosage.

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Tylenol does not thin your blood and is the only safe pain reliever to take during pregnancy.

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To be on the safe side no

What painkiller can you take for a headache if you are pregnant?

* Tylenol * Acetaminophen is perfectly safe. * If you are in the UK the equivalent is paracetamol.

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Tylenol and call your doctor.

What can you take for a headache pregnant?

Paracetamol (plain Tylenol) is very effective and completely safe in pregnancy. Tried and tested the world over.

Is it safe to take Tylenol with keflex while pregnant?

I'm 22 weeks pregnant and my pharmacist just told me it should be just fine to take both cephalexin (Keflex) and acetaminophen (Tylenol) at the same time. Call your physician, OB, or pharmacist before you take any medication, especially when pregnant, or in combination with another drug.

Can Percocet be taken while pregnant?

Percocet has Tylenol and narcotic. Generally, Tylenol is safe during pregnancy. Narcotic is also safe except near labor because the respiratory depression can pass on to the newborn and may result in additional needed interventions to stimulate the newborn to breath. Therefore, unless you really have to, just stick to plain acetaminophen (Tylenol.)

Is Tylenol safe for your puppy to eat?

No, it isn't. Tylenol is toxic to dogs.

Is it safe to take demerol with Tylenol?

if you take Demerol you certainly will NOT need tylenol

Is it ok to take mortin pm while pregnant?

Regular Tylenol is the only pain reliever that is considered safe for pregnancy. Consult your Dr for further advice.

Is Tylenol safe with milk?
