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i guess because it tried it with mine and its OK

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6mo ago

No, it is not safe to wash your hamster with hand soap and water. Hamsters are prone to dry skin and their fur has natural oils that help keep them clean. Using soap and water can strip these oils, leading to skin problems and other health issues. It's best to let hamsters groom themselves through regular sand baths or seek veterinary advice if there are specific concerns.

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Q: Is it safe to wash your hamster with hand soap and water?
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What if a hamster has sand in it can you wash it?

yes water and soap don't hurt a hamster 1 time my hamster got dirty and i washed it and he lived for several more years

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It would be best not to. Dryer lint is full of chemicals and soap, it just would not be safe.

Do you have to use the hand sanitizer Germ X everytime we touch a Syrian Hamster?

Not necessarily, but it is best to wash your hands with water and often soap before and after touching your hamster. Hamsters can carry bacteria and can get sick like people, so washing your hands is important.

What can sanitize a hamster cage?

clean it with soap and water and dry off and then put it back together

Is it true that hand sanitisers containing alcohol are not a good alternative when soap and water are unavailable?

If soap and water is unavailable, a hand sanitiser is the next best thing to use.

Is soap better than hand sanitizer?

The CDC reports that soap and water does a better job at removing germs, but a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol makes sense to use if soap and water are not available. If your hands are visibly dirty or greasy,

Can you mix hand soap and hand soap?

you can but then you'd get hand soap

What to do if you get degreaser on your hand?

Rinse it off. Plenty of water and soap.

Can you bathe a person with hand soap?

Yes, you can use hand soap as body soap. Hand soap may not contain the same fragrances, moisturizer, or exact same consistency as body wash, but it is safe and and effective to bathe in. Note: you may not want to use a bar of soap, as germs can live on the surface, especially if it sits out in the open, and is used regularly for hands.

Is hand-sanitizer a solution?

studies have shown hand sanitizer DOES NOT replace hand washing and in some cases may cause cancer.