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you should so wear lotion cuz even real men wear lotion yes you should always wear lotion cuz if you dont those are some of the side affects

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Q: Is it unatrractive to have dry cracked ashy skin?
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Who created ashy?

No One Its Just What Happens When Your Skin Gets Wet And Dry You Skin Peels And Causes Marks To Appear White

How do you remove permanent dry dirt on the skin?

Taking several showers can help to remove dry dirt on the skin.

What is dry cracked skin on toes called?

acne or athletes foot

What does it mean to have dry cracked skin on your hands?


How do you get rid of ashy dermatosis?

Ashy skin is just another saying for dry skin. It is more noticable on people with dark or tan skin no matter the race. You know if you scratched someone with dark skin that took a bath and did not lotion up after wards it will leave a white mark like chalk on the skin thus coming up with the saying ashy skin! Start looking at the back of the ankles of people in the summer if there chalky looking and this person has a tan but his/her heels and ankles are white they did not lotion it's not dirt it is very dry skin .

What is the skin condition called cerriosis and how do people become infected?

Xerosis cutis is the medical term for abnormally dry skin. The skin loses moisture and becomes dry and cracked and may even peel.

What causes cracked finger tips?

Causes of skin cracking near the fingertips are changes in temperatures, vitamin deficiency, and genetics. It may also be caused by exposure to chemicals of fluctuations in hormones.

On Treating Dry Skin?

Dry skin, like dry hair, is caused by too little oil from the sebaceous glands and a low moisture content in the skin. The skin is rough and coarse to the touch, and may be dull, ashy or pale. The skin is thin and tends to be sensitive to light and chemicals. A good way to treat dry skin is to keep the body hydrated by drinking lots of water. About 10 eight ounce glasses a day should be sufficient. Soaps, which are alkaline and can dry the skin out, should be replaced with moisturizing cleansers. After showering, the skin should be patted -- not rubbed -- dry and a lotion containing a moisturizer like shea butter or lanolin should be applied.

What is produced when inflexible dry or cracked skin cells release histamine as they are tugged which sets off a nerve ending?


What causes cracked cuticles?

Cracked cuticles can be caused by a variety of factors including: Dry air Excessive hand washing Frequent nail biting Manicures and over-manipulation of the cuticle Exposure to harsh chemicals Insufficient moistureThese environmental and lifestyle factors can cause the skin around the fingernails to become dry and brittle leading to cracked cuticles.

Is there a downside to washing your hands with hot water all the time?

Hot water depletes the skin of natural oils faster than cold or tepid water. This can result in dry, cracked or peeling hands and other health problems related to dry hands and skin.

What are the symptoms of Pustular Psoriasis?

There are a number of potential symptoms of Pustular Psoriasis. Some of the most common symptoms include red patches on the skin, severe itching, dry cracked skin and swollen joints.