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Of course not, it's quite acceptable! It's what i did with my first (and current) bf and we're doing great. The thing is is guys are just like girls when it comes to this sort of thing. There are some guys that are going to be just as intimidated by the idea of asking you out as you are by the idea of asking them out, and they may even be greatful or turned on by the fact that you made the first move. Plus, if they don't like it, then it's an easy way to weed out a sexist who you may not have gotten that along with down the road anyway.

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Q: Is it wrong to ask out a guy?
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There's nothing wrong with you asking him out.Yeh, but the guy SHOULD ask the girl out.

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There is really no wrong way to ask a guy out. Ask him if he wants to hang out and do something low-key that you both enjoy.

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It's the 21st century, why not? There is nothing wrong with it.

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Just ask her whats wrong

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No, there is nothing wrong with it at all, as long as you have permission! Make sure you ask before you do this.

Is it wrong for the girl to ask the guy out or does the guy have to ask the girl out?

IT certainly isn't "wrong", just unusual. However, asking people out is a pretty stressful thing to do so I'm sure all the guys out there wouldn't mind having the girl do it once in a while.

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Well if you did something wrong just go up to him and ask him to talk about it or to please forgive you for what ever you did wrong if he said no just ask him if you can talk about it in private or in text.

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they dont ? whats wrong with you ? why did you ask this question ? stupid ? Suckface !

Is it wrong to ask a guy that is only your friend if you're cute?

No,beacause if he's just a friend then you can say that but if he means more to you then you can ask him if he wants to go out

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you should get one of your friends to talk to him and ask whats wrong, or do it yourself :)

Is it wrong for a girl to ask a guy for his number?

It's perfectly all right! Just be a bit careful about how and when you use it. :)