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They don't actually need either depending on the type of seeds you want to plant. Seeds do need a specific temperature, and rays that typically the sun produces (UVA/UVB). You can purchase special lights to grow plants indoors in a basement and they would emit those rays.

From an experiment in a Biology class, we grew corn seeds in crumpled up newspaper. We watered them like they were planted in soil, but they were also put into sunlight.

Unfortunately, I don't know the outcome of the experiment if you tried using false sunlight and soil at the same time.

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15y ago
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11y ago

Physiologically seeds do not need light to germinate as they store enough food reserves in their cotyledons (or cotyledon if a monocotyledonous plant).

However, so seeds need to be exposed to light to overcome dormancy, whereas others require to be covered for germination. Normally extremely small seed are not covered when germinating them.

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13y ago

some seeds require light for germination, while others do not.

seed would prefer to germinate on or in the osil, but can also germinate if a suitable alternative media is provided - think of the experiment you do in school with beans and wet tissue paper

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15y ago

Not necessarily LIGHT, but seeds DO need warmth. After they sprout they need SUNLIGHT.

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13y ago

Seeds only need moisture and oxygen to germinate.

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12y ago

Normally light is nor required for germination but in exceptional cases it is required.

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