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Now that is a fraught one. It certainly involves a lot of chance, in that the cards are dealt to you at random, but there is also a lot of skill, in the way you handle those cards.

The fact that skilled players can almost always beat the unskilled, even against the 'run of the cards', suggests that skill does predominate. But it is a question that provokes more argument than answers.

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Q: Is poker a game of chance or that of skill?
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Does winning a poker game requires skill or luck of the player?

It is a game of skill, you need to learn basic strategies and then you can be successfull. You can learn most about poker and how to win in it at Poker Strategy site, you can find the link below:

Is playing poker a skill?

No. It just takes skill.

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I just think its chance because you never know what cards you will get or loose.

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It depends on who you ask. The country is currently divided on this issue as some will say it is a game of chance, as others will claim it is a game of skill. While in some circles it is considered a sport, many states such as NV, NJ and DE are coming around to accept regulated and legal online poker rooms.

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Prove that poker is all about skill in this exciting Wild West poker adventure! The activation key for Governor of Poker 2 Premium Edition is 2013hb13544h3545111.

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there are poker game is tha best game

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What is the difference between luck and skill?

Luck is really just chance. It's like if you roll a dice. if you happen to get a pair, that's just chance. However, if you are playing a game like chess, it takes strategy and skill.

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