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Yes, they are.

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Q: Is skin fungus contagious
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What animals give you ringworm?

ringworm is a contagious fungus infection that you can get from direct skin-to-skin contact with an infected persons etc.

What is flava?

it is a white coloring on your skin caused by a fungus. Don't worry its not contagious because this fungus is a normal fungus on your skin. They are just aggravated by high temperature and humidity. Frequent bathing will going to remove the fungi but also apply some anti fungal cream to it to fasten up the process.

WHAT is tinea flava?

it is a white coloring on your skin caused by a fungus. Don't worry its not contagious because this fungus is a normal fungus on your skin. They are just aggravated by high temperature and humidity. Frequent bathing will going to remove the fungi but also apply some anti fungal cream to it to fasten up the process.

Are Ringworm contagious?

yes they r 2nd answer: First it is not 'they' . . . ringworm is a fungus infection of the skin that forms a circular raised ring that may look a little like a worm. Sort of. The fungus is not particularly contagious, but close contact with someone who has it could transfer some fungus spores. Treatment is by anti-fungals, especially those with sulfur and selenium

What is the name of a contagious pustular skin disease?

Impetigo is a contagious pustular skin disease.

How long is a ringworm?

Ringworm is caused by a fungus that is growing on the skin. It is infectious/contagious all the time it is present, it only ceases to be infectious after a treatment has cleared it up completely.

What class is athlete's foot in?

Athlete's foot is a highly contagious fungal infection of the skin of the feet and is very similar to ringworm which is also a fungus (not a worm) and occurs on other parts of the body.

Are penile skin tags contagious?

Acrohordon skin tags are not transferred to another person thru intercourse.

After treatment has been started for ringworm on dogs is the ringworm still infectious?

"Ringworm" is a fungus infection; it is not a worm. The type of fungus infection on the dog, may or may not be contagious to people. Odds are that it is contagious to people until it is 'cured'.

Is dry skin contagious?

no, how can it be

How can you catch Impetigo?

Impetigo causes weeping sores, its the 'weeping' that is contagious. Be it via skin to skin contact, a towel or virtually anything. When the sores are fully scabbed they are not contagious, its only the liquid inside the sores that is contagious.

How so you know if you have a skin fungus?

you don't check your spelling before you hit enter. in your case, you might have skin fungus!