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Technology is assisting us in doing our things and focusing on what is important so that we can achieve our dreams in less time that it would take earlier.

Consider you want to travel to a place till 2005, all you depend on is some magazines or other tourists who visited that place for some information about the place. But today the information is right in your hand with just a click away.

Technology is helping us going beyond the boundaries and breaking barriers of our assumptions.

Looking Technology as a friend assisting us will help us adapt to the new things otherwise we will be forced to adapt to technology later as time flies by.

Another example to close this would be a bank transaction, banks want to reduce their manual transactions at the counters so they adopted to online transfers making it more easy for us in fact. In few years people will be forced to do online transfer or pay extra sum for a cashier to assist you to transfer the funds.

HOWEVER, sometimes having things come too easily isn't good for us. Today's children, used to being able to find information easily, get frustrated very quickly and give up on their search if the answer doesn't pop right up. Then they usually try to cheat to get an answer.

Also, people seem to have less patience than they used to, because "the information is right in your hand with just a click." They can't wait for a normal conversation, but pull out their phone or tablet the instant they get a little bored, and shut out the living person standing right in front of them.

To sum up, technology can be a great thing, but as with everything else, should be used properly.

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Q: Is technology helping by making things easier or spoiling this generation by making things easier?
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