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Q: Is the US Senate a part of the judicial branch of the federal government?
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Which statement is trueThe U.S. House of Representatives is part of the executive branch of the Federal Government?

The judicial branch of the Federal Government includes the U.S. Supreme Court.

Does the Judicial Branch of government elect Federal judges?

The Judicial Branch doesn't elect federal judges. Article III (constitutional) court judges are nominated by the President and approved by the Senate.

Which branch of government is composed of federal courts?

The Judicial Branch of the U.S. government is made up of the federal courts and led by the Supreme Court.

Which branch of the government includes the senate and the house of represenatives?

Judicial Branch

What branch of government appoints Federal judges?

The Judicial Branch of Government appoints Federal judges.

Which branch of the federal government has lifelong terms?

The Judicial branch

What are the branches of the US federal government?

Executive Branch (President, Cabinet, etc.)Legislative Branch (Congress: House of Representative and the Senate)Judicial Branch (US Supreme Court and federal judiciary)

What part of the legislative branch checks the judicial branch by approving the appointment of federal judges?

The legislative branch that approves Federal Judges is the Senate.

O which branch of government does the Supreme Court belong?

State supreme courts (or their equivalent) are part of each State's Judicial branch.

Under what branch does judges fall under?

Within the US Federal Government, the executive branch appoints the various judges in the Federal justice system. Supreme Court judges and Federal district judges are appointed by the US President and must be approved by a majority of the US Senate.

Which branch of the US federal government has no elected officials?

The Judicial branch

In US government which branch appoints the members of the Judicial Branch?

The President (Executive Branch) appoints judges and justices of the Judicial Branch with the advice and consent (approval) of the Senate (Legislative Branch). Both branches must participate in order to complete an appointment.