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Neither. A black hole has crushed itself to an infinity dense point. It cannot be considered any state of matter that we are familiar with.

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Q: Is the black hole a solid or a gas?
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A collapsed star from which light cannot escape?

The collapses star gets squeezed by collapses gas and turns into a black hole.

Are black holes so strong that they can suck in air?

Anything - whether it be gas, liquid, solid, light, etc. - can be pulled into a black hole if it gets too close.

Is black ash a gas liquid or solid?

they are gas

What are black holes called when they suck in gas?

They're still called black holes. A black hole remains defined as a black hole as long as it absorb everything near them, both energy and matter, including gas.

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water travels through solids and liquids if there is a hole or a gap in the solid

What would you need to live in a black hole?

something solid to lay on, an oxegen tank, and man you would need some courage but have fun in that black hole of yours. lol

Has anyone dug a hole in Neptune before?

No. Nobody has ever been to Neptune. Also, Neptune is a gas planet. There is no solid surface to dig a hole in.

What is the black hole gas giant?

a star dying in space that sucks everything into it.

Is spoon solid liquid or gas?

It could be any of the three depending upon the temperature.

What is bigbang and black hole?

Big Bang: When space started. Gas, dust and rock particles explode from it and eventually forms celestial bodies. Black Hole: When a star dies or loses its brightness, develops into a dead star or a black hole.

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How can you in notice a black hole in the space if it absorbs all the light?

we can notice by the effect it causes on the nearby stars. A star which is near a black hole revolves around it and when it is closer to a black hole ,it revolvles faster and it revolves slower when it is farther away from a black hole.Secondly, we can notice a black hole by the space distortion it creates. Thirdly, we can notice it by finding the amount of gas of nearby stars falling into the black hole