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Q: Is the killer whale Lolita still alive or not?
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How old is Lolita the killer whale?

She is now over 40 years old, And is 20 feet long.

Why does a killer whale eat?

So it stays alive.

What is a pregnant fish killer called?

Killer whale Killer whale Killer whale

How old can a killer whale stay alive?

I bet a beached whale won't live long. Maybe a few days or mostly a week....Can't be sure.

Is the blue whale still alive or not?


What physical features hindered the killer whale from surviving?

its the different parts on a killer whale its the different parts on a killer whale its the different parts on a killer whale its the different parts on a killer whale

Which is faster a killer whale or a sperm whale?

a killer whale is faster

How do they get the name killer whale?

The killer whale is surprisingly not a whale that Is what is often misleading about them. The killer whale is actually a species of dolphin in the oceanic dolphin family delphinidae the reason it got its name is because people saw the dolphin hunting and killing whales at first the killer whale was called the killer of whales but then it eventually got shortened to killer whale

Will the killer whale win or blue whale?

the killer whale would win

Scientists need the whale to be alive so therefore they need the whale to be alive. why do they kill them?

Because the use the meat for food and blubber to make things the baleen is use to make a weapon can "wolf killer" And because a whale can cost a fortune.

Which family is the killer whale from?

Killer whale's are from the Dolphin Family. Killer whale's are the largest member of the Dolphin Family.

Is a kiler whale a mammle?

Yes the killer whale is a mammal ! The killer whale is a cetacean and is a dolphin in the group delphinidae.