

Best Answer

I'm just learning about the mormons religon but I do not thank they have a differnet beleif then any other mormons. They come from all around to teach us the good and great , powerful lord , jesus christ & will all ways do the same belief to all persons of the relgion.


another answer:

There are many small groups which have split off from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) for different reasons. Some people still consider members of these groups Mormon because they still believe in the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith, however there are some major differences between them and the original mainstream Mormon church. The largest of these breakoff groups are the Community of Christ, the FLDS, and the Apostolic United Brethren. The Mormon Church considers these to be apostate groups and does not accept them as Mormon.

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Q: Is there a branch of Mormons with different beliefs than the original Mormon church?
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Calpoly is a university, not a human, and no, it is not a Mormon university.

How were the Whitmans and the Mormons similar and different?

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Is it bad for a Christian to be with a Mormon?

No, infact, Mormons are Christians themselves. Christians define themselves as followers of Christ-Mormons are followers of Christ-thus, they are Christians. Anything said about Christians of different denominations not being allowed to be with a Mormon is a myth.

What is the Mormon beliefs?

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) has too many beliefs to be summed up into one answer. The Church has provided some great resources online for others to learn about their beliefs and doctrines, however. Check out the "Related Links" below to visit these sites and explore what Mormons believe.

What are the different types of Mormons?

Anyone who is a "Mormon" is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The church is very unified in its organization and doctrine, so all Mormons should have most of the same beliefs and practices. However, Mormons do come from all races, nationalities, cultures, and backgrounds. Mormons are rich and poor, White and Black, Asian and Hispanic. They are united by their common faith and nothing else. Of course everyone has a different level of activity or involvement in their religious faith. Some Mormons are more religous than others, just as you would find in any religion. Mormons sometimes refer to 'active', 'less-active', and 'non-active' members, which refers to how active an individual is in their congregation. There are also a small number who claim to be Mormon but are actually members of various break off groups. They still believe the basic foundation of Mormonism, and so call themselves Mormons, but disagree with the mainstream Mormon church on some aspect. For example, some call themselves "Mormon Fundamentalists" or "Mormon Polygamists". These are not members of the mainstream Mormon church, so they are not technically Mormons. They belong to splinter groups which broke off when the mainstream church banned the practice of polygamy. They are not recognized as Mormons by the "Mormon" church. Check out the "Related Link" below to learn about different Mormons.

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No, he is not a Mormon. But his family has often been compared with the Osmonds, who are Mormons.

Which trail did Mormons travel on?

The Mormon Trail.

What did the Mormons travel on?

Mormon Trail to Utah