



Questions about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, commonly known as Mormonism.

3,455 Questions

Are there any talks given by a LDS general authority that mentions global warming?

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Yes, there have been talks given by LDS general authorities that mention global warming. These talks often address the responsibility of individuals to care for the earth and emphasize the importance of being good stewards of the environment. General authorities have also discussed the need for collective action to address climate change.

Why do Mormons get pissed off when you ask about magnets?

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Mormons may get upset when you ask about magnets because of the stereotype that associates the use of magnets in detecting counterfeit gold plates with the founding story of their religion. This stereotype can be seen as mocking or dismissive of their beliefs, which can be hurtful to Mormons. It's important to approach discussions about religion with sensitivity and respect.

Is it safe to rub magnets on Mormons?

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Sure. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) are human just like anyone else, and it isn't extremely harmful to rub a magnet over human skin. If you have iron rich blood or a pacemaker and are exposed to extremely strong magnets for long periods of time, it can cause problems, but just rubbing a normal refrigerator magnet on your skin wont do anything.

Do Mormons like magnets?

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Mormons, like people of any other belief system, may have varying opinions on magnets. Magnets are an everyday object used in many applications, so it is likely that Mormons have no particular stance on them as a group.

What is the correlation between Mormons and Magnets?

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It began from a South Park episode, and some have attributed it to an Insane Clown Posse song...but the reason is that Magnetism, along with many other scientific laws is not explained by religion. Most Mormons would reply that there is magnetism because "god" had made it so, not the scientific answer - either a moving electric field or spin of quantum particles. This latter process causes materials to become inherantly magnetic (like a bar magnet) when a large majority of particles (particularly electrons) have the same spin, which results in a north-south pole configuration.

What river does the Mormon trail and Oregon trail share?

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The Mormon Trail and Oregon Trail share the Platte River in Nebraska. Both trails followed the Platte River valley for a portion of their journeys westward.

What is the Mormon geological location?

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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, commonly referred to as the Mormon Church, was founded in the United States in the early 19th century, primarily in the state of New York. Today, the church has a global presence with headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Did any Mormon temples get struck by lightning?

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Yes, there have been instances where Mormon temples have been struck by lightning. However, these occurrences are rare and typically do not cause significant damage to the structure. Temples are equipped with lightning rods and other protective measures to minimize the impact of lightning strikes.

Show a map from munds park to Mormon lake?

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I'm unable to display maps. However, you can easily find driving directions and a map from Munds Park to Mormon Lake by using a navigation app like Google Maps or MapQuest. Just input the starting and ending locations for the most accurate directions.

Why was Zion national park a place of refuge for the Mormon pioneers?

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Zion National Park was a refuge for the Mormon Pioneers because it provided natural resources, shelter, and protection for the Pioneers. {From Daily Geography Week 24} *Sixth Grade* :D :) =}

What was the Mormon Trail and how was it different from the other trails?

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The Mormon Trail was a route taken by members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the 1840s and 1850s to escape persecution and seek religious freedom in the Western United States. It was different from other trails like the Oregon Trail because it was primarily used by a single religious group with a specific destination in mind, and the Mormons faced unique challenges such as hostility from other settlers and limited resources along the way.

What are the Mormon successes and failures?

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Mormon successes include a strong sense of community, a dedicated missionary program, and a focus on family values. Some failures include controversies surrounding historical practices, lack of diversity in leadership positions, and criticism of some beliefs and practices.

What are some Mormon colleges other than BYU?

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Some other Mormon colleges include Brigham Young University–Idaho, Brigham Young University–Hawaii, and Ensign College (formerly LDS Business College). These institutions are affiliated with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and adhere to Mormon teachings and values.

Kolob the planet of God?

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Kolob is a concept mentioned in Mormon scripture, specifically the Book of Abraham. It is said to be a celestial body nearest to the throne of God and plays a significant role in Mormon cosmology as a governing body in the universe. Its exact nature and purpose are open to interpretation within the Mormon faith.

What is planet kolob?

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Kolob is a star mentioned in Mormon theology as the celestial body nearest to the throne of God. It is considered by some Mormons to be a governing celestial body or the planet where God resides. It is not identified or recognized in mainstream astronomy.

Why do Mormons eat meat?

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Mormons, like many other people, eat meat as it is a common source of protein in their diet. There is no specific religious requirement for Mormons to eat meat, but they generally follow dietary guidelines outlined in the Word of Wisdom, which encourages moderation and healthful eating habits.

What was the Mormon population in 2000?

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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the "Mormon" church) reported 11,068,861 baptized members at the close of the year 2000.

You can see the 2000 Statistical Report of the Church Here:

How many morman churches in the United states?

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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the "Mormon" church) reported 14,018 congregationsin the United States as of January 2015. 152 new Mormon congregations were formed in the United States during the year 2014. The number of congregations, however, is not the number of church buildings, because in large cities or areas with a high Mormon population (much of the western US), most Mormon church buildings are shared by 2, 3 and sometimes even 4 congregations of 100-400 members each. Additionally, some small congregations do not yet have a church building and meet in homes or rented buildings.

Which states contain present day chiefly Mormon areas?

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Many states in the western United States have areas with high concentrations of members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church).
-The state most well known for it's Mormon population is Utah, a state mostly settled by Mormon pioneers and home to the international headquarters of the Church. Approximately half of all Utahans are practicing Mormons, with many more (perhaps 30% or so) non-practicing or former Mormons. There are 17 Mormon Temples and 5,000 congregations in Utah.
-Idaho, specifically southeastern Idaho and the suburbs of Boise (cities of Meridian, Nampa, etc) in western Idaho, have high Mormon populations. Southeastern Idaho is home to a church-owned university, and there are 5 Temples and 1,100 congregations in Idaho.
-Arizona, specifically northern Arizona and the suburbs of Phoenix (cities of Mesa, Gilbert, Chandler, etc). Arizona has 6 Temples and 836 congregations.(Together, Idaho, Utah, and Arizona make up what is sometimes called the "Mormon Curtain", a high concentration of Mormons stretching from the old Mormon colonies in northern Mexico to the old Mormon colonies in southern Canada.)
- Washington, specifically the tri-cities area (Kennewick, Richland, Pasco in the southeastern portion of the state). Washington has 3 Temples and 545 congregations.
-California has a fair amount of Mormons as well, with 7 temples, 1,355 congregations, and more missions than any other state (19).
-There are pockets with high Mormon concentrations in many other states, including Oregon, Wyoming, Missouri, Texas, New York, and Florida.

What percentage of Boise city is Mormon?

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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) does not release membership statistics for areas smaller than a state. One reason is because these numbers are constantly changing as people move or convert. The reported number of baptized Mormons in the entire state of Idaho in January 2013 was 422,345.

If you need membership information for the city of Boise or the Boise metro area, you will have to contact a Mormon leader in the area (a Bishop or Stake President) and he can get you in contact with someone who will have that information. Most likely this will be the Area Seventy or a Mission President.

What are the towns with the highest Mormon population?

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Some towns with high Mormon populations include Provo and Orem in Utah, as well as Idaho Falls in Idaho. These areas have significant Mormon communities due to their proximity to important institutions like Brigham Young University.

What is the Mormon population of portland or?

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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) only publishes membership information for nations and states, not individual cities. The reported number of baptized Mormons in Oregon as of January 2012 was 149,089. If you need more specific information about just the Portland area, you will have to contact local Mormon leaders who have access to that information.

How many Mormons in Michigan?

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There are approximately 44,000 Mormons in Michigan.

What percentage of people in Idaho are Mormon?

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As of January 1, 2012, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) reported 417,002 baptized members in the state of Idaho. In 2011, the population of Idaho was reported to be 1,584,985. This means that about 28% of the population of Idaho is Mormon.

How many Mormons and Jews in America?

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As of 2021, there are approximately 7.6 million Mormons (members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) and around 7.4 million Jews in America.