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== == There is quite a story but certainly no myth. The Christian faith is based on a real person who walked the earth, who really was crucified and buried but who rose again. The first Christians were specifically and very simply witnesses to these events. The origin of Christianity cannot easily be explained away without the fact of the resurrection. This event transformed a frightened group of mostly ignorant (by the standards of the day) fishermen into fearless witnesses. Those who do not embrace Christianity have attempted to explain away the existence of Jesus with various stories. Some of these opinions are listed below. There is a story which may well be a myth. The Christian faith is supposedly based on a real person who walked the earth, was crucified and buried and rose again, but there is no actual proof of the existence of this person. The first Christians were supposedly witnesses to these events, but there is no proof of this either. The myths of the virgin birth, resurection, eating of flesh, and atonement for sins all came from the religions that preceded Christianity. Jesus of Christianity is considered by some to be just a combination of various gods of ancient Sun Worship religions. These are the gods Horus the Sun god of Egypt, Attis of Greece, Dionysius of Greece, Khrishna of India, Mithra of Persia etc.

The Halo on Jesus' head symbolises the Sun. Also the reason why the Christian Sabbath was moved to SUNday.

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Q: Is there a myth or story behind the origin of Christianity?
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