

Is there any chance to increase height after puberty?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Growth doesnt stop after puberty. Men usually continue growing until early adulthood and women stop growng a little sooner.

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Q: Is there any chance to increase height after puberty?
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Is any chance to increase height after puberty in the age of 9 and half?

Yes you will get taller during puberty.

Is there any chance to increase height after 35 years?

yes but rare

Is there any chance to increase height after twenty eight years?

Yes. I know of two people who gained height at age 30. It is rare but it happens.

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Is there any homeopathic medicines to height increase at age 24?

What changes does puberty do to a boy?

The penis and testis grows in size, facial and pubic hair and hair under the arms, increase in height, shoulders get broader.

Is any supplement for increase the height?

No dietary supplement will increase height, unless you're suffering from a nutritional deficiency.

Will an increase in testosterone make you taller?

This would depend on your age (and more specifically: bone maturation). If one has completed puberty (excepting any estrogen defficiency/resistance) testosterone, or any hormone for that matter, will not effect height. Before growth plate fusion, however, an increase in testosterone ios necessary for a male to reach full potential height. However, the testosterone increase will eventually hault growth permanently (due to an increase is subsequent estrogen levels, which naturally will eventually cause growth plates to close). So, during puberty, yes the hormone will temporarily increase growth, until eventually: the inevitable end to longitudal growth.

Is there any medicine to increase hight?

Need to improve the answer(my height is 5.5 and my age is 16. want to increase my height up to 6.2

You are 16 going through puberty which you started months back you have not yet had a growth spurt btw is there any way to increase height or to enhance growth spurt?

Not without drug use I think. If you are worried because of your late starting of Puberty then visit your Doctor and ask for hormone replacement treatment to help you catch up.

What is the average height for boys?

The average height of males very from person to person and age to age. Males can range from almost any size during and after puberty, some can be in the five feet, some six, and pretty much anything above, below or in between. So, their is no real average height for a male during puberty. So really almost any height is normal during puberty, it's all about the individual.

Can you make puberty happen?

No, you can't make Puberty happen on your own. It happens naturally in most cases when your hormones increase. In late Puberty it is possible to make it happen with hormone replacement treatment. Your Doctor is best placed to answer any questions about this if you have any worries.

How do you increase height without using any medicines?

You can't really increase height without using any medicines, this is because your growth hormones that are secreted at the time that they are secreted with the amount that is secreted is actually in your genes. So you're height is destined because it is in your DNA.