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There is no evidence of either Noah or Moses parting the Red Sea, in fact the weight of evidence is that there actually was no Exodus from Egypt.

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Q: Is there any evidence that Noah parted the Red Sea?
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When was the next rain after noahs flood?

The next rain after Noah's flood was when Moses parted the water of the red sea. This was a long while after the rains from Noah's Ark and everything they dealt with.

What is red sea famous for?

Moses parted the Red Sea.

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Red Sea

Was the red sea the only sea that was parted?

No, the Adriatic was also parted in the bible, as well as the Mongolian sea, and the Blue Sea.

Did moses parted the dead sea or the red sea?

It was the red sea. I remember this because in Bruce Almighty, Bruc parted his tomato soup with his new godly powers just like the Red Sea.

Was the red sea the only sea parted in the bible?

The only sea

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What happend at the red sea?

moses parted the red sea for the Israelites to get away from the Egyptian army

Is there any evidence that the Celts were a witness to Moses parting the Red Sea?

First of all, there is no evidence that Moses ever parted the Red Sea, or even that there was an Exodus from Egypt as described in the Bible. In fact, there is near-unanimity among scholars that this did not really happen. If indeed the Red Sea was parted somewhere around 1440 BCE, then the Celts were then located far away in eastern Europe and would have been blissfully unaware of this momentous event.

Which leader of the chosen people parted the Red Sea?


How many times was the Red Sea parted?

According to tradition, the Sea of Reeds was parted (Exodus 14) one time. See also:The Exodus

How the red sea opened for the Israelite?

God told moses to stretch out his rod, and the red sea parted in two.