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By in heat do you mean you are heating it, or its body temperature is irregularly high? If you are the one causing the high temperature, move it to a room temperature area and make sure both hamsters have plenty of food, water, and both must feel comfortable. If they think they are in a dangerous situation, they will not breed.

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Q: It has been 4 days and your hamster wont breed what to do oh and it is in heat right now?
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How do you treat a dwarf hamster with bites from another breed of hamster?

yes there is a way if your hamster has been bitten by another breed you should keep them in different cages and put some vasaline on their wound and by a few day or a week or so they should have a scap of where their wound was then a few more weeks or days your hamster should be back to normal

How many days a hamster takes for its next breed?

Usually a few weeks. My hamster had some in the end of July and she had her next batch in the middle of August.

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hamsters can have babies but they have to be more than 21 days owned. put the same breed hamster female and male hamster in the same cages every day till 4 days have been. then you go to your girl hamster ,what has been playing with the boy hamster, to the shop then carlson or some one will say "could this be i think (your hamsters name) could be pregnate" and then you will have to wait 1 week for it to have a baby.

How long does it take for a fancy hamster to have her babies?

it will take about 16 to23 days depending on it's breed

What if it's been 2 days and your hamster hasn't had it's babies yet?

because it takes about 24 days for a hamster to have babies

How long does it take for a Syrian hamster to give birth to a normal size litter?

A healthy hamster can be breed at about 4 months old and the average litter can have between 4 - 20 babies at a time. Normally it takes between 15 - 24 days for a hamster to have the babies.

How do you breed an animal in roar?

You have to give it the right food and the right treat then they will breed, another way of explaining it at the top of the screens of the enclosures there are %'s keep them at 100% for three days and then you will breed!!! :) :D

How many days should a hamster be pregnant?

It depends on the species, gestation periods range from from 16 days for the Syrian hamster, and up to to 30 days for the Dwarf hamster.

When will you be able to see the hamster babies?

It takes about 15-21 days for a hamster to have pups, If it is a Chinese hamster it will most likely take 21 days:).

I want to buy hamsters and let them have babies but I don't know which one's have the babies the fastest. Does anyone have and ideas Thanks?

A syrian hamster will have babies the fastest. This takes 16 days. The slowest is the drawrf hamster which takes up to 30 days. A syrian hamster only takes 16 days, but breeding them is a big hassle. Dwarves are much easier and rarely exceed 22 days gestation period. above is a website that will really help you learn how to breed. There is a lot of detail making it a great site for first time breeders and hamster owners

How long does pregnancy take for hamster?

The average gestation period for a hamster is 22 days. A healthy gestation period for a hamster can range from 16 to 23 days.

How do you find a hamster if it's been lost for 2 days?

Put out some of its favorite food..... Hope this helps :)