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The most children in one family record belongs to the Feodor Vasilyevich family. The mother gave birth to 69 children in her lifetime during the 1700s.

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A TVR. Not really :) We have 6 ppl in my family, 4 kids 2 adults. I am one of the kids. 15 years old. Get a Zafira, we have one and they rock :D XxX

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The duggar family. They have either 18 or 19 kids I don't remember because I haven't seen the show in a while. The show is called 18 kids and counting or 19 kids and counting, depending on how many kids are in the family at the moment. Hope I helped!

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Most kids get one at the age of 9 or 10

If a man and a woman got married and have kids would they then be family?

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