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Technically yes because they are still your responsibility, but on the other hand, if they don't want anything to do with you, it would be hard to want to and try to support them. How are old your kids? And im sorry to hear that they don't want to see you, I know that's hard.

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Q: My children live with my ex-husband I not had any visitations for over 6 mos do I still have to pay child support Even if my children say they don't want to see me?
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If my exhusband dies owing me 20000 in back child support Can i still get that back support?

You can attach the estates of him and his parents

Your deceased exhusband never paid child support can you get it from his social security?

Only if the child is still under 18.

Can you stop visitations if dad stops paying child support?

In the US, no.

Can your exhusband girlfriend of common law marriage pay his child support for him?

Anyone can, but can't be required to.

Can a mother refuse the rights to a father even if the child support is paid in full?

No. If the father is not paying his child support she needs to file a motion for contempt with the court. She cannot withhold visitations on her own. Visitations and child support are two separate issues.

Can you sue your exhusband for back child support if he has moved to England?

Yes, if a current case exist. If not, than no.

If you pay child support and have visation on weekends do you still have to provied for you child while they are on there visitations?

yessee related link

Does the exhusband still pay child support when the child goes in to the army?

The courts will mostly likely consider a child who enters the military as "emancipated," and, therefore, terminate child support. But don't stop paying on your own!

Can you charge interest when suing your exhusband for bank child support?

You may ask the court to award a judgment for interest.

Does father have rights to be able to visit child if wife leaves him and takes child?

Yes although if he has abused the children or you then you can get either no visitations or guarded visitations where a relative or friend oversees the visit for you.

Can I receive back pay child support from my exhusband if I am collecting social security disability. Will my income be taken away from me?

Your Social Security eligibility is not affected by your receipt of child support. One is for you; the other is for your child.

If a father is denied visitations does he still pay child support in Quebec?

yes see link