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ok i would take another test and use first morning urine there could of been a chance there was a mistake, your symptoms can be caused by many things other than pregnancy so don't pin it down quite yet and stress can delay periods, that iis what i am assuming you meant by churms, if the test turns out positive consult a doctor for a blood test or some sort of an ultra sound and decie what to do from there, if it neg again wait another week see if symptoms clear up or you receive more, after that week if you feel like taking another test go ahead but i would consult a medical professional, hope i helped

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Q: My churms were supposed to be on 2nd this month but i got them 10 days late thought it would probably be pregnancy but my breasts were sore had morning sickness but only thing was neg tests help me?
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What are some of the symptoms of pregnancy?

I heard that a few pounds may be gained, morning sickness, sensitivity in the breasts, frequent urination.

What is the earliest sign of pregnancy besides missing a period?

Some womens breasts become sore and you might get morning sickness.

What are some methods to detect pregnancy?

* home pregnancy test * schedule an appointment with your OB/GYN Symptoms * missed period * swollen/tender breasts * changes in color of the breasts * fatigue

Pregnancy signs with in the first 14 days?

Missed period, swollen and/or tender breasts, morning sickness are going to be the most obvious signs.

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Pregnant women usually will first realize they are pregnant when they miss their period. Other symptoms include tenderness in the breasts and morning sickness.

What are pregnancy signs?

One of the main symptoms of pregnancy is a late menstrual cycle. Some other symptoms of pregnancy are nausea/morning sickness, swollen or tender breasts, and fatigue. For more information on signs of pregnancy go to

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No. The typical signs of pregnancy are: missing a menstrual period; swollen, tender breasts; frequent urination; "morning" sickness, or the daily urge to vomit; and changes in appetite.

Symptoms if u pregnant?

Light spotting and cramping, sore breasts, fatigue, morning sickness, a missed period, and mood swings are all signs of pregnancy.

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There are many warning signs of pregnancy. Some warning signs include tingling nipples, spotting, cramping, morning sickness, swollen breasts, a missed period, and/or darkened nipples.

Will your breasts leak in the beginning of pregnancy?

No, breasts leak in the latter part of pregnancy.

Does disappearance of breast tenderness at 7 weeks suggest an impending miscarriage. Had no sickness in last successful pregnancy so breasts were the only symptom?

no breast tenderness has nothing to do with with miscarriage---not all women gets pregnancy symptoms---

What are the first signs of pregnancy and how long do you have to wait to take a test and get an accurate result?

the first signs of pregnancy are swollen sore breasts, morning sickness or nausea, gaining weight, and sometimes you may feel emotional. you can do a home pregnancy test from the first day you are late from you period.