

Morning Sickness

Morning sickness refers to the nauseated feeling during the first trimester of pregnancy.

403 Questions

Why does having a beer when your hungover make you feel better?

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Drinking alcohol can temporarily relieve hangover symptoms by numbing the body's response to inflammation caused by drinking alcohol. However, this relief is only temporary and can actually prolong the hangover in the long run by further dehydrating the body and increasing the overall toxic load on the liver. It's generally recommended to opt for water and electrolyte-rich drinks to rehydrate and help alleviate hangover symptoms.

What are some morning sickness remedies at five months pregnant?

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One of the more well known cures for morning sickness at any stage of pregnancy is to eat saltine crackers or toast before getting up and starting your day. It has also been said that it is a good idea to avoid foods that are strong or offensive in odor.

Do dogs have morning sickness?

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Some female dogs can and do get morning sickness, usually during their 3rd and 4th week of pregnancy. This is when egg implantation into the uterus wall occurs. Morning sickness can involve loss of appetite (going off of feed) and/or mild vomiting, and usually only lasts 2-3 days, at most.

What is zantac?

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Zantac, the trade name for the drug ranitidine, is a histamine blocker which binds at the H2 receptor in the parietal cells of the gastric mucosa (and elsewhere). At the gastric mucosa, it prevents or decreases the secretion of hydrochloric acid. It is used in the treatment of peptic ulcer disease and gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Please see the related question below for more information.

What is the most effective way to terminate an early pregnancy?

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There is no safe way for you to abort the pregnancy yourself. It can be quite harmful, especially if the placenta is already developed and attached to the uterus. The safest way would be for you to go to the doctor and have an abortion performed.

Do you have morning sickness everyday?

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Theoretically, morning sickness is most prevalent in the first tri-mester. I still had it on the delivery table.If you are having areally difficult time, tell your doctor at your next pre-natal visit

Can you get morning sickness at 4 weeks pregnant?

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Yes. You can get morning sickness as early as 2 weeks after sex

Will taking a shower in the morning get you sick?

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Actually, I think that the fact that taking a shower in the morning will not get you sick. What will get you sick is that you might catch a cold.

Especially in the morning, when you've just woken up and gotten out of you bed, under the warm bed sheets, and jump right into the shower, your body doesn't have the time to regulate your body temperature from very warm under the sheets, to a big drop in temperature when you get out of bed. And even after you get out of the shower, you're still cold because your body uses the endocrine system (a system where the body dumps hormones into the bloodstream to regulate different aspects of the body like temperature, growth,...) to try to regulate your body temperature.

Since the body has to produce the hormones first and then dump them into the bloodstream to go all around the body, it's a very slow process. As oppose to an electrical signal by the nerve, which is very quick. Unfortunately, we can't regulate our body temperature with nerve impulses.

In conclusion, you might just catch a cold, but it's also possible that nothing happens!

How soon would you have morning sickness if you are pregnant?

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It can very with every pregnancy. I have had three kids and all have been different. Some women don't have morning sickness at all. My first pregnancy I had a feeling of lightheadedness with in 2 weeks of my missed period. From that point, I started to gradually getting worse. I was nauseous most of my pregnancy. Many foods, or even the thought of food made me vomit. In my last trimester it probably settled down at about the 8 month mark. My second pregnancy was totally different. I may have had a few days that I felt lightheaded or my blood sugar was low, but it was a breeze. The last, all I wanted to do was eat(it was a girl the last time) and I was queasy just for 3 months or so. So you never know what it is going to be like. I know someone said "the more sick you are the healthier the baby."

Why do some women get morning sickness when others don't?

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women get morning sickness because there hormones are changing.

Is upset stomach and vomiting morning sickness symptoms?

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yes it is a form of morning sickness, not a common form in the 'pregnancy books and what doctors say' but yes it is a form of morning sickness. I had it with my first.

You are not pregnant but you have morning sickness?

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Some women that take birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy products may experience morning sickness, even though they are not pregnant. This is brought on by the medications and will go away as your cycle progresses. One thing to note that is very serious about this condition is your health. Although morning sickness itself is not likely to make you ill, if you do not get the proper nutrition or the proper fluids, you can dehydrate. Therefore, if you are experiencing this condition, it is wise to talk to your doctor about it. He may just be able to help.

What month in pregnancy do you begin having morning sickness?

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My wife suffers with this problem (not only feeling sick but vomiting, a few timesevery hour) and can start within a few days of pregnancy and continues until the baby is born.

Main problem is getting dehydrated.

We have tried everything but only medication from doc has helped, steroids and largactil has work but still feels sick but less vomiting when on meds.

We have had 2 healthy children with 3rd on way, so no serious side effects noted

Can Morning sickness caused by anything thing else?

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Could be something simple, such as hunger, anxiety, or gas; or it could be a stomach problem like acid reflux -there are numerous reasons. If it doesn't subside, see your doctor. If you were experiencing morning sickness due to pregnancy, you would probably be able to tell the difference- it is a very distinct type of nausea.

Numbness of the palm only in the early morning?

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It is called the tingling. When you sleep on your hand, blood circulation is stopped, so the blood doesn't get to your hand. This is why it feels numd.

Is diarreah part of morning sickness?

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Yes it is, I get terrible diarrhea in the mornings now accompanying the vomiting. I eat very, very healthy foods and nothing to cause diarrhea.

How far into the pregnancy does morning sickness begin?

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It can vary from about 3 weeks to about 6 weeks.
It varies from woman to woman... When I was pregnant with my girls, I have 2, I had morning sickness from 4 weeks up to month 5, straight. With my boys, no morning sickness at all.

When does morning sickness start after conception?

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Around 2-4 weeks after conception but sometimes longer. Not every women has morning sickness.

Are you pregnant or ovulating if you are feeling stomach pains and cramps plus you feel a bit sick in the morning but you started feeling like this the day after you had intercourse with a condom?

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I doubt very much you are pregnant. Ovulation signs last about 10 minutes at most. Signs of pregnancy do not start the day after intercourse, with or without a condom This sounds more like guilt to me and it is either all in your head or you have something like food poisoning or gastro=enteritis.

Why a man is hanged early in the morning?

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Because there are less number of people on hand to see an accused


In earlier days punishments were awarded publicly so care was taken that the accused should not feel ashamed in a lot of public as there are less number of people in the morning so it has been a custom since the beginning to hang an accused in the morning.

What causes nausea in men in the morning?

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Lack of food for 12 or more hours could cause nausea in the morning for someone who isn't pregnant. Try eating a light breakfast. If that doesn't work, contact your health care provider for advice.