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ewan qoh???haha

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Q: Physical education and body mechanics
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Related questions

What are the characteristic of physical education program?

the characteristci of physical education is to enhance our body.

What are rotations in Physical Education?

rotations in physical education are when you have different groups acording to the grade and you rotate from health to physical education

What special skills does a physical therapist need?

A physical therapist needs to be patient and understanding. They also need to know about muscles in the body and body mechanics.

What you understand in physical education?

Physical education is basically the education of exercise practiced in education centres as it is important for the need of human body for it to become healthy and strong. We understand that Physical education is guided to stay fit, healthy and strong one must learn physical education in order to evolve.

What are the bases of physical education?

the legal bases of education is how to protect your body

How was physical education developed?

health body

Who define physical education?

physical education is the process were your body is moving all ....... when your body is stretching . like when your hopping ,running..... and other else example: when your exercing......

What is body composition in physical education?

Don't konw

What are the four types of sports in physical education?

In my opinion Physical education has many kinds. for example: Physical education through physical activities Physical education is a knowledge of body mechanisum Physically &Mentally healthy society based on physical education Physical education provides recreation Physical education deals with the perception and responces of human beings Emman kazi

How does physical education affect the human body?

Physical education effects us by staying fit and in shape to live longer.

What are two important parts of physical education?

Physical Education provides a platform to ensure that the human body is well trained to be fit and healthy at a young age. By making physical education a part of a child or a teenager the ability inside the body to be strong and build muscular efficiency is ensured.

How is physical education related to dance?

Physical education is important in relation to dance to keep the body supple. Dancing also plays an important part in physical education. Dances broken down into separate moves contributes to working out the muscles in every part of the body.