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Q: Preventing the sale of a new computer chip that can be used in the guidance system of missiles is an example of which reason to limit trade?
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How high do nuclear missiles go?

Nuclear missiles leave the earth's atmosphere for some time. Intercontinental missiles, for example require the missile to ascend to 1,000 feet to assure that it will reach it's intended target.

What does imbedding blocked mean for your computer?

If by "imbedding" you mean embedding, it probably means something is preventing a program (most likely a browser) from rendering an object that is "embedded" into the page. For example, an image, movie or soundclip of some kind.

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There are quite a few methods of preventing floods that can be outlined in a lesson. Building flood gates could be outlined for example.

Is a computer in a VCR an example of a general-purpose computer?

No, a personal computer is an example of a general-purpose computer. The computer in a VCR is designed for the specific purpose of operating the VCR.

What is an example of a desktop computer?

an example is PC.

An early winter frost preventing further growth in a tomato garden is an example of?

It is a limiting factor.

Did they use missiles in world war 2?

There is an example of the Germans using the first air launched guided missile in WW2. The Katushia rocket and the Nebelwerfewr were missile systems of sorts. The V1 & V2 Rockets were missiles, the V2 went into sub-space in flight.

What is an example of computer software?

Well an example of computer software is the browser that your currently using. This is an application on your computer. AKA computer software. Although you could also be talking about the Computer Operating system which is also Computer Software.

Example photo of the parts of the computer?

pictures of computer parts

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Whats is an example for interruption?

An example of interruption is when a computer signal that will tell the computer to stop running a current program.

What is an example of computer misuse?

computer hacking :)