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AT LEAST 100 compressions per minute. The more, the merrier...

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Q: What is the Recommended rate for effective compressions for adult?
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At what rate should chest compressions be performed on an adult?

The 30 compressions should be given at a rate of 100 compressions per minute.

What is recommended rate for effective compressions?

During CPR you should always aim for no less than 100 compression's per minute.

Give chest compressions at the rate of in CPR?

The rate for CPR chest compressions is 100 per minute; adult, child, and infant.

What is the recommended rate for performing chest compressions for victims of all age?

100 compressions per minute.

What is the recommended rate of performing chest compressions for victims of all ages?

100 compressions per minute.

What is recommended rate for performing chest compressions for victims of all ages?

100 compressions per minute.

What s the recommended rate for performing chest compressions?

AED on a child

What is the rate of giving chest compressions on an adult?

2 person CPR: Cycles of 30 compressions / 2 breaths on an adult Cycles of 15 compressions / 2 breaths on an infant or child

What rate do you give chest compressions to an adult?

30 compressions at a rate of 100 compressions per minute. Then give 2 mouth-to-mouth breaths and repeat. Continue until help arrives.

What is the adult compression rate?

about 100 compressions an hour. If you sing the song "staying alive" during chest compressions you will be right on track.

What is the rate compression in child CPR?

The compression rate for CPR should be the same as an adult. That is 100 chest compressions per minute. The ratio of compressions to breaths should stillbe 30:2. Just like an adult.

What is the ventilation rate for adult CPR?

For every 30 compressions, you give 2 rescue breaths.