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Yes, I believe that service to humanity is service to God. God exists within all people so when you are serving His children, you are also serving Him. I also think that it is important to serve with a loving heart. If you serve just because you think you should, but you do it with resentment, then you are better off not serving at all.

Choose those people/organizations where you can serve with love, and then you are truly serving God and humanity. You are also feeling wonderful in the process, so you can reap the benefit too.

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11y ago

Everyday, we find one class of people who are rich, with palatial bungalows with a number of luxurious cars, servants, etc., while on the other hand, crores of people living in slums, foregoing basic meals, shelter, cleanliness and surroundings who are left uncared for. Whenever election comes, the contestors will speak promising the poor people with all luxury in life if they come to power but ultimately those promises turn out to be written on water surface. Therefore, the rich continues to be rich while the poor continues to be poor for ever.
There is one unanswered question that is intriguing. When any wealthy person who is able to enjoy luxurious life, can he ever think of parting a part of the same with the people downtrodden with all sufferings? Mostly, it is seldom and very rare. However, a small portion of wealthy persons who have humanitarian approach do by donating a part of their wealth without expecting anything in return.
As an Indian, I feel it is my duty to serve my countrymen irrespective of their caste, color and creed to uplift the status of everyone at least to a level of having two square meals a day for self and dependent family, a place to rest and a source of living, that is an employment. It is the duty of everyone to help other if the Government which is ruling the nation cannot do anything productively. With this spirit, we see a number of non-government organizations [NGOs] who are striving hard to uplift the downtrodden, some of them are in coordination, partly or fully with the state or central governments and some of them on their own but still a lot needs to be done. When politicians and industrialists want to conquer any land for their own selfish motives, it is the poor people area which is eyed upon and unfulfilled promise of rehabilitation or even cash benefit, they are shifted to a remote place with least or no infrasructure like water, drainage, electricity and the poor gets poorer without any ray of hope to get better lease of life.
India was a poor country when it was ruled by British raj and even after getting independence, it took many long years to become partly self sufficient and many politicians who came to power, disallowed foreign nationals to invest since some of them wanted to misuse the infrastructure provided to them for development. It was also found that it is they who got benefited with our country to benefit hardly anything. When they were driven out, the country again saw lacking in technological skills resulting in many individuals going abroad for studies and jobs at salaries better than what they would otherwise reap. This again made our politicians to revise their strategies and allow foreign nationals to enter our country but with different approach so that both our country and they stand to gain.

Yes, service to man is service to God. Which means that we have to see good in all human beings and treat all of them one. Only when we help others then God will be pleased with us. We have to see God in each human being. God needs people to help the poor/needy.

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you do not anything fake website hahahahahahhahhahahahahahahahhahahhahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahha

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12y ago

Service to God is service to fellow man.

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Q: Service to man service to god?
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Service to man is service to god meaning?

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Probably Google is a better place to find an essay such as that.

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Service to man is service to God. What does this mean? It actually means that when we serve man, we are serving none other than God. Because man is nothing but a manifestation of God. God lives inside every man. Therefore, when we serve suffering humanity, it is the highest form of prayer. What is true prayer? It is not rolling the beads of a rosary, it is being able to realize God in the temple of our heart. It is being able to live with kindness and compassion, with forgiveness and love. When we are able to serve suffering humanity, there can be no better way of praying to God. Because every suffering being, every suffering animal is none other than God appearing as that suffering person or beast. And therefore, when we serve them, we serve God, we pray to God.

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