

Should a comma precede ie

Updated: 12/8/2022
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12y ago

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No it shouldn't.

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Q: Should a comma precede ie
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Do you use a comma before or after the word but?

A comma should be used before the word "but" when it is connecting two independent clauses in a sentence. If "but" is joining two words or phrases within a single clause, then a comma is not necessary.

Do you use a comma before parenthesis?

There might be a situation in which you would use a comma before a parenthesis, but generally you do not do this. A pair of parentheses already sets its contents apart from the rest of a sentence, so there is no need for a comma to precede the left parenthesis.

How could you use precede in a sentence?

An in depth discussion of the bill should precede our signing of it.

Do you use a comma after the word but?

Unless your setting a non-restrictive clause apart from the rest of the sentence, a comma shouldn't come after the word 'but'. However, a comma should usually precede the word 'but'. Example: I went to the store, but I couldn't find any strawberries. Example: They said they were just good friends, but when I saw them kissing, I had my doubts. Example: It's all over but the crying. Grammatically correct sentences should also not start with the word 'but' or any other conjunction.

Is there a comma after ie?

There is no standard rule requiring a comma after "i.e." However, some style guides recommend using a comma after it to improve clarity and readability.

A sentence for precede?

Her shower should precede going to bed. Precede describes something that comes before another thing in time or in order.

How is a conjunction punctuated in a sentence?

With or without a comma depending upon the word is the way in which a conjunction is punctuated in a sentence. For example, a comma may precede the conjunctions "and" and "but" even though it will not go before such conjunctions as "even though," "whereas," and "while."

Should there be a comma after a man by the name of?

Yes, there should be a comma after "a man by the name of" when it is used to introduce a specific person's name. For example: "A man by the name of John,..."

Should comma be used after regards?

No a comma is not needed after regards.

Should you place one space after a comma?

Yes, you should place one space after a comma. This is the standard convention in English language punctuation.