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Well yes I mean you should at least have a little say. You don't want to be over protective, but If he/she is bad, say criminal record , school suspension. I would say you should definitely have a say!

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Q: Should parents have a say in who their children date?
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Should parents decide who their children should marry?

No I don't think parents should decide who their children should marry or date. It's the child's decision and feelings. I say if you really love that person then it shouldn't matter

Should you still date him if your parents say no?

It depends if your parents say no because they dont like the guy or if you are not allowed to date guys. If you truly like hime then you should date him.

At what age a girl can date boys?

That is a good question. You should ask your parents. It totally depends on when they say you can date. Its different for everyone.

Do parents have the right to have a say in whom their children marry?

Yes, parents have the right to say in whom their children marry.Parents have the right to say whom their children marry because parents know what is best for their children.They have the past experience of marriage and they know who they should marry as they know their likes and dislikes and what their consequences may be.The children may be underage and the parents have the right to stop them and guide them, by teaching them the right things. The children might not know what is the real meaning of marriage and what marriage is for.No, parents do not have the right to have a say in whom their children marry.Children should make their own decisions.Forcing the children may cause them to have an unhappy marriage.The children must be independent and choose who they want to marry.Neutral.Parents may have already arranged an arranged marriage and the children might decline.Children may choose who they want to marry but the parents may decline.Both the children and the parents may choose who the children marry.

Does the Bible say parents should support children not children their parents?

The Bible teaches the Golden Rule. Do unto others as you would have done unto you. Parents should support their children and when it becomes necessary, children should support their parents. In the Bible, the focus of the parent/child relationship was on love, honor, and respect as well as discipline and instruction (Eph. 6:1-4).

What age should parents tell their children that santa is not real?

I would say about 8-10

How old do I have to be to date or what age most parents let you date at and they say I'm to young to date but you can't help how you feel about someone I'm fourteen thanks?

You should talk to your parents at length and discuss the matter with them.

What age should your parents let you date?

This usually depends on how mature you are but one thing you should never do is date behind your parents back. I think you could prove to your parents that you are responsible enough to start dating. But I would say around 12-14

What do you say to your parents when going on a date?

Dad and/or Mom I am going on date.

Should all parents make there children believe in a religion?

No. There is no rule book for parenting, but I would say that a good general rule is that a parent should not "make" their children believe in anything.

What should you do if you want to live with your grandma but your mom won't let you?

Children live with their parent or parents. Your parent has the final say.

What should you do if a 12th grader likes you a ninth grader but he wont date you because of his parents?

you just say to he or she if you want to go on a date. just say to your parents that you are going to target or something. THAT IS THE STUPIDEST THING IVE EVER HEARD. just because you don't date doesnt mean you cant have a boyfriend or girl freind.