

Should you celebrate Mother's Day and Father's Day?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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Of course you should. That is, you should unless your religious beliefs forbid it. Otherwise, your parents deserve to be given special attention on those days.

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Q: Should you celebrate Mother's Day and Father's Day?
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How do different cultures celebrate Mother's Day?

well my country amman, jorden does not celebrate christmas,mothers day,fathers day,pretty much all the other hoildays. we have a hoilday simalir to mothers and fathers day and also christmas. its called eid we get money and gifts from friends and the grownups as get money so its like mothers and fathers day and christmas

Why are only mother's celebrated on Mother's Day?

it is about mothers because hint the word mothers day

Why do people celebrated Mother's Day?

Mothers day used to be a day where children got a day of from work and got to see there mothers and family and now because children don't work anymore it has changed into a day where you celebrate mothers and fathers day was made up because of mothers day.

Does everyone celebrate Mother's Day?

Not everyone celebrates mothers day, for personal reasons. But, mothers and women today play a big role in our community, I feel that everyone should celebrate that!

Why mother celebrated?

Mothers are celebrated because mothers gave us all birth and buys our clothes, food, house, and a lot more. and p.s if you are a boy, we celebrate fathers day, too! :)

Who celebrate's mother's day?

Mothers and their families.

How do spanish people celebrate Mother's Day?

they celebrate it like American style mothers day(:

What is the purpose of mothers day?

To celebrate all the wonderful mothers around the world.

What did the mothers do during the day?

The mothers enjoy what does the family do to her. She is also waiting for the next occasion at the next day : Fathers' Day.

Is there a day for kids?

The day for kids is every day including mothers and fathers day

Why we celebrate mothers day?

because we love our mother!

Do Muslims celebrate Mother's Day?

They may, but since in Islam mothers are VERY important, some don't celebrate it due to the fact that they think Mother's Day should be everyday, not just one day.