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Q: Something accipitrine might refer to what bird particularly on coats of arms?
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What does Insinuatingly mean?

The word insinuatingly means in a manner which insinuates, as in, he smiled insinuatingly. An insinuation is something that is implied without being said, particularly if it is something that might be offensive if uttered out loud.

Is Le Colultre a luxurious brand name?

Not particularly, no- Le Couture is more of a mainstream brand that has some fashion appeal. If you are looking for something a little flashy, this line might be something that will work for you.

Where might one buy Abercrombie coats?

The best place to buy Abercrombie coats is from Abercrombie itself. They will be expensive but they are guaranteed the genuine article. Also try discount shops, for a cheaper alternative.

What does it mean to dream of kidney failure?

Dreams can be influenced by physical conditions. So if the dreamer is overdue for a physical checkup - particularly if one has noticed troubling symptoms - this might be a good time to schedule an appointment. ... Otherwise, kidney failure might be a metaphor highlighting the need to let something "pass" or "pass away." The dreamer might need to "get something of of his system."

What does redundant in medical terms mean?

It usually refers to something in excess, particularly skin. For example, a person who lost 100 pounds might have redundant skin at the upper arms or abdomen.

My son-in-law believes that drinking coffee after brushing is good for teeth because it coats them. I can't imagine what it coats them with that would be good -- it only stains them. What's true?

It does not help. It might even have a bad effect. That is because there is acids in coffee, giving the flavour. They might harm the teeth.

Do humans hurt lions?

No, because what would they do with it they won't eat it but they might use them for coats so it's a maybe

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Something Might Happen was created in 2003.

Is singing a distraction?

Some people might find singing to be a distraction, particularly if they are worried about something. Art in all its forms can help people to express and cope with their feelings; that in itself is a form of therapy and a positive distraction.

Is cooking oil viscous?

It depends what you're comparing it to, but generally it isn't particularly viscous. The viscosity (or thickness when referring to a liquid) is usually only slightly higher than that of water. Something really viscous might be cookie dough, and something really not viscous would be gasoline.

How do you pronounce 'da kine'?

Hawaiian slang, "da kine" is a substitute word for almost anything. Such as "Hand me da kine over there," which would translate to "Hand me that thing." OR if something is particularly good, one might say something like "That movie was da kine, man."

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They might not be great, but they're not particularly bad either.