

Best Answer






void main()


int dr,md,midx,i, midy,dx,dy,mx, my,k,x,y,xdir,ydir,oldx,oldy;

double pi,tpi,a,t;

void *ball;

unsigned imgsize;

dr = DETECT;

initgraph(&dr, &md, "c:\\tc\\bgi");

midx = getmaxx()/2; midy = getmaxy()/2;

pi = 3.14159;

tpi = pi * 2.0;



imgsize = imagesize(midx-10, midy-10, midx+10, midy+10);

ball = malloc(imgsize);

getimage(midx-10, midy-10, midx+10, midy+10,ball);

putimage(midx-10, midy-10, ball,XOR_PUT);

xdir = -5; ydir=5;



oldx = midx; oldy = midy;

midx = midx + random(xdir);

midy = midy + random(ydir) ;

if (midx < 0)


midx = midx + 5;

xdir =5;


if (midx > getmaxx())


midx = midx - 5;

xdir = -5;


if (midy < 0)


midy = midy + 5;

ydir = 5;


if (midy > getmaxy())


midy = midy - 5;

ydir = -5;


putimage(midx-10, midy-10,ball,XOR_PUT);

for (a=1.0; a<30000.0; a=a+0.1);



putimage(midx-10, midy-10,ball,XOR_PUT);

} while (!kbhit());



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Q: Source code in C for moving circle screensaver?
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