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If you wore an ankle bracelet in the 1930s and 1940s, in britain, it was widely understood to signify easy virtue, or a professional prostitute. Although this symbolism seems to have died out.

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Q: Symbolic meaning of a woman wearing an ankle bracelet?
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What is the meaning of wearing the anklet bracelet?

Wearing an ankle bracelet has no particular meaning. It is something that is done to embellish a look or add to a style. Some people wear an ankle bracelet to draw attention to their legs.

Symbolic meaning of woman wearing ankle bracelets?

she's a prostitute

Ankle bracelet and toe rings symbolize?

That you enjoy wearing them!

When Wearing an ankle bracelet on the left does it mean your an lesbian?

i don't think it means anything

What foot should you wear an aklet on?

Well, if you are wearing a bracelet, too, then it should be on the opposite side to give you a balanced look. :) For example, if you're wearing a bracelet on your left wrist, wear the anklet on your right ankle!

What is the meaning of an ankle bracelet on the left or right ankle?

An ankle bracelet on the left ankle usually signifies being in a committed relationship or marriage, while one on the right ankle may symbolize personal style or choice. However, the specific meaning can vary depending on cultural or personal beliefs.

Is there a biblical meaning for not wearing an ankle bracelet?

In the Bible, the meaning of not wearing an ankle bracelet is not explicitly mentioned as it is more of a cultural or personal choice. Ankle bracelets are not specifically addressed in religious texts.

What is the meaning of a ankle bracelet on the left or right ankle in religious way?

In some religions and cultures, wearing an ankle bracelet on the left ankle may symbolize protection, while wearing it on the right ankle may symbolize good fortune. These meanings can vary depending on the specific beliefs and practices of the individual or community.

What is the meaning of an ankle bracelet on the left or right?

Although some people may like to think there is a meaning (such as one side representing heterosexuality and the other the opposite), there is no common definition. It simply means that is the ankle you prefer to wear the bracelet on. Though the above may be true for most people one should note that in some circles/lifestyles the wearing of an ankle bracelet DOES have significant meaning. In somewhat recent history (20-30yrs) the wearing of an anklet was generally considered to indicate the wearer was "available" for the right price. More recently however, if someone is involved in the "swinging" lifestyle you may find a piece of jewelry around an ankle, generally the right but not always, indicating that she is available & looking (even if there is a ring on her finger). But of course sometimes, in fact, most times, the ankle bracelet is just another piece of jewelry because it makes her feel pretty.

Can a man wear an ankle bracelet?

Yes, a man can wear an ankle bracelet if he chooses to. Ankle bracelets can be a fashion accessory or can have cultural or spiritual significance. There are no restrictions on who can wear them based on gender.

Does a man wearing an ankle bracelet on your right ankle mean you are gay?

I have a co worker TL who wears a different one every day and who cares if he is gay

What is the meaning of a ankle bracelet on the left or right ankle?

There is no specific symbolism behind someone wearing an anklet on the left or right ankle. Most people wear it on their right ankle because they are right handed. But in India, most of the women wear them on both of their ankles.