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Good system engineering begins with a clear understanding of context - the world view - and then progressively narrows focus until technical details are understood. System engineering encompasses a collection of top-down and bottom-up methods to navigate the hierarchy.

System engineering process begins with a world of view which is refined to focus more fully on a specific domain of interest. Within a specific domain, the need for targeted system elements is analyzed. Finally, the analysis, design, and construction of targeted system element is initiated. Broad context is established at the top of the hierarchy and at the bottom, detailed technical activities are conducted. It is important for a system engineer narrows the focus of work as one moves downward in the hierarchy.

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The computer can only do what it has been programmed to do.

The first layer of the software is setup software that tells the computer how to use some of its hardware such as BIOS software.

The next layer of software is an operating system like Windows that tells the computer how to use the hard drive and how to load programs and how to interact with the user using the keyboard and mouse.

The next layer of software is application programs such as Microsoft Office or specific programs such as PhotoShop.

Each layer of software - needs the previous layer to operate, hence a hierarchy of software.


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