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Gilliagan's Island

My three sons

Andy Griffin Show

I love Lucy

The honeymooners

Ed Sullivan show

Danny Thomas show


Wonderful world of Disney

The Wild Wild West


Tennesee Tuxedo

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In the UK television was black-and-white until 1967. There were only three channels - Two operated by the BBC (BBC 2 began broadcasting in 1964) and one independent commercial channel. It wasn't on a lot of the time, during the afternoon and overnight there was something called the 'Test Card', set of patterns and also a small girl. Allocation of channels was strictly controlled at the time, hence the limited number of channels. All three channels were largely national with regional inserts for news and local affairs programming.

In the US, color television was the norm, having been around since 1954. Commercial channels dominated the airwaves and far more channels were available because of the far less restrictive channel allocation. A lower proportion of the channels were national. The size of the country made national programming more problematic than in the UK. the commercial nature of broadcasting and lack of regulation allowed far more hours of programming to be broadcast each day than in the UK.

Although television quality has been developed significantly over the decades since then, the image resolutions and color systems employed at that time remain in use today, half a century on. It is only now that high definition is making a major change in the broadcast standards.

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Q: Television shows of the 1960's
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Continue Learning about Movies & Television

What was not a criticism of television media in the 1960s?

television promoted pratiotism.

Which kangaroo had its own television show in the 1960s?


Entertainment and information mass media marvel?

during 1960s it was television.

What was tv like in the 1960s?

terrible, too many soap operas.

Why did Spencer Tracy back out the batman 1960s tv series?

Because Spencer Tracy only accepted the role if the penguin was allowed to kill Batman in the shows final episode but because the producer Will Dozier refused Tracy passed up the part

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What was the most popular format of television in the 1960s?

Drama, game shows, sitcoms, etc.

What popular television shows in 1960s?

hi John, The monkey series, lovely umbrella, and the golden shoes.

What were the television laws in the 1960s?

During the 1960s the networks avoided any sexually suggestive programming and the topic of sex. Married couples were shown sleeping in twin beds and profanity was not allowed on television. There were restrictions on the type of shows that could be shown on network television prior to 9 p.m. as well.

Did people have televisions in the sixties?

During the 1950s, not all families owned a television set. But by the 1960s, most families owned one (just one). Television shows ended at 11pm and there were no broadcasts after midnight to 6am.

What kind of television inventions were invented in the 1960s?

Color TV

What was not a criticism of television media in the 1960s?

television promoted pratiotism.

Which kangaroo had its own television show in the 1960s?


When was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory set?

The book is set roughly in the 1960s but many of the items of the setting reflect the 1920s and Dahl's memories of the chocolate companies of the time. (Also, the television shows that influence Mike Teavee are of the 1940s and 1950s.)

Was colour tv around in the 1960s?

No, there was only black and white

What product did James Burke start marketing in the 1960s?

In the 1960s he made the company's first forays into television advertising. He also began marketing Tylenol,

What was the name of the tv series davey Jones starred in in the 1960s?

the monkeys

What was tv like in the 1960s?

terrible, too many soap operas.