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Q: The 1917 Russian Revolution was influenced by the ideas of Adam Smith?
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True false The 1917 Russian Revolution was influenced by the ideas of Adam Smith?

false (odyssey)

What political ideas influenced the American revolution?

the political ideas that influenced the revolution was that they ( patriots or loyalists) wanted to be independent.

The enlightenment and the great awakening caused?

The ideas of the enlightenment mostly influenced American revolution.

Who is ideas influenced Russia prior to the revolution?

Destroy the country. To get the power.

What event in Europe influenced Jefferson's ideas?

Frances revolution for liberty

Why did Russian leader fear the ideas of the french revolution?

The ideas of the French Revolution were democracy. If the Russian people began thinking those things, they would threaten the tsar's power at the least or even dethrone him.

Which of these was most inspired by the ideas of the Enlightenment-?

The ideas of the enlightenment mostly influenced American revolution. The Declaration of Independence-apex

How did the glorious revolution influence the American and french Revolution?

it influenced the revolutions in several ways. one way they were influenced was john Locke ideas on life liberty and property

What ideas influenced the french revolution?

The French Revolution was influenced by the enlightenment ideals of "natural law" and freedom. These ideals were also shown in the Declaration of the Rights of Man. Hope this helped(:

Enlightenment ideas that influenced the Haitian revolution?

John Locke's idea of everyone is equal.

What role did propaganda play in the Russian revolution?

During the Russian Revolution, propaganda used included dissemination of revolutionary ideas, teachings of Marxism, and theoretical and practical knowledge of Marxism economics.

Who had the same ideas as John Locke?

John Locke was an inspiration to the founding fathers of America. He influenced the American Revolution and the French Revolution. He especially influenced Thomas Jefferson's writing of the Declaration of Independence.