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Q: The Head-right system incented Englishman to come to America and to bring laborers to America by rewarding them with land grants. True or False?
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Maryland and Virginia's system of granting land to anyone who would pay trans-Atlantic passage for laborers?

Headright system

Maryland and Virginia system of granting land to anyone who would pay trans-Atlantic passage for laborers?

headright system

What type of laborers we're forced to work against their will?

Convict laborers

Were people in France laborers?

There have always been laborers in France, but France was never exclusively made of laborers.

What type of laborers where forced to work against their will?

Convict Laborers

What type of laborers forced to work against their will?

Convict Laborers

What is the collective noun for striking laborers?

mob of striking laborers

Where do laborers come from?

Laborers come from all walks of life.

What type of laborers were forced to work against there will?

Convict laborers

Are laborers classified as slaves?

No, laborers are not classified as slaves. Laborers are individuals who are employed to perform work in exchange for wages or other forms of compensation. Slavery involves forced labor where individuals are owned or controlled by others and have no freedoms or rights.

Landless laborers in Greece are called?

landless laborers in Greece are called

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on which day does the u.s. honor laborers?