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the loch ness monster (known as nessie) is a dragon like creature that lives in alarge lake in the north of scotland. it is unknown to be real or a myth,people have tried to take pictures of nessie and have failed. some have tried to show proof with fake pictures and they have failed aswell. an eye witness says that nessie is longer or just the same size as a school bus!nessie can live in or out of the water and has been seen minimum amount of times.

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14y ago

Many people claim to have seen the Loch Ness Monster. However, there have also been many scientific surveys using sonar and other underwater equipment, but nothing unusual has been found - much to the disappointment of the scientists!

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Has the loch ness monster ever eaten a person?

Well there isn't really enough information about if the Loch Ness Monster really truly exists are not, but we can only go by what we know like ST. Columbia he apparently stopped the beast from attacking an expecting swimmer when he spoke the words "Go back from the depths of whence you came" he said raising the cross of God. The "creature" turned away from the man and swam back into the cloudy, murky waters. Not many sightings of the loch ness monster have been seen. So no the Loch ness monster has never eaten anyone. Plus every year there is a monster swim in the loch ness bringing many people to swim and there has never been attacks or sightings. I hope this helps you!!!

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