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The Christan's Belief's of how the world began is almost in your question word Christan begins with the word Christ as in Jesus Christ in the belief Adam and Eve were the first people on Earth and were given the commandment to multiply ..."have many children" and till the earth meanwhile Jesus Christ Was creating the universe it was described that it happened over the space of seven days but days to us may be different to them it could have been seven years !on the seventh day he rested earning the name Sunday the day of rest

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A great many educated Christians find no contradiction between their faith in the Creator God and scientific explanations of the universe and the evolution of life.

AnswerThere has been much in the media recently about Creationism and Creationists. Creationists are Christians who insist on interpreting the story of Creation in The Bible absolutely literally.

Creationists insist that Genesis must be taken as literal fact, or you cannot be called 'Christian'. As a Christian and as someone who has been involved in scientific research and education all his working lfe, I find this offensive.

Genesis, in the original Hebrew, is an allegorical Hebrew poem - it contains much truth about human/God relationships, humanity's sinful nature, our tendency to reject our own Creator and so on. But not even the ancient Jews accepted Genesis as fact. Even Paul, in his letters, who quoted parts of Genesis involving Adam, used the terms allegorically. The number of cases Jesus himself referred to Adam, or to Genesis, is precisely zero.

Yet there are those who insist that Genesis should be taken as literal fact, despite the Jewish and Christian traditions, and despite the original Hebrew poetic nature, and despite its literal acceptance flying in the face of overwhelming scientific evidence that simply does not suppoer a literal interpretation of Genesis. This does more harm than good, as it brands Creationists as crackpots, and rightly so, but, in doing so, brands all Christians - especially the majority who take a much more informed view of Genesis - as crackpots too, which is wrong.

Most Christians accept the Big Bang, the formation of the stars and planets and evolution as would any other person. The evidence is plain to see. However, within that evolution, they also believe in a God who set that evolution in motion, by creating the universe with a unique set of values and constants that enables life to exist. Moreover, they believe in a God who is still at work in Creation, maintaining it through love.

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The Bible tells us that God spoke the world into existence, in Genesis ch.1 we can see several times - God says let there be... and there was... in Hebrews 11:3 it is written - "By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible." and also in Colossians 1:16-17 - "For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities--all things were created through him and for him.And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together." and Hebrews 1:3 says that "he upholds the universe by the word of his power" So then Christians who believe the Bible, believe that the universe is essentially the power, the energy of word of God in action, which must seem as a remarkable coincidence to someone who does not believe the Bible, because that is exactly what quantum theory clearly demonstrates. For thousands of years most scientists believed that matter was solid, eternal and indestructible until one day man split the atom and the tiny bit of residual energy that came out was so powerful, it made the prospect of mankind's self-annihilation a real possibility. Apostle Peter mentioned the thermo-nuclear energy that will be released when this world will be removed and replaced with the new heaven and new earth in 2+Peter 3:10 - "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall be dissolved with fervent heat, and the earth and the works that are therein shall be burned up." That word 'dissolved' literally means loosed or untied. For now God holds it all "tangled" together, but when He decides to let go, it will all get "untangled", it will all come apart with the tremendous release of energy in the form of heat and noise.

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