

The major art form of cromagnons was?

Updated: 7/23/2019
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13y ago

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Cave painting

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Q: The major art form of cromagnons was?
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What was the major art form of CroMagnons?

They painted on cave walls, and carved small stone figurines known as Venuses.

Did CroMagnon have art?

cromagnons had cave art but did not draw any kind of animals they drew the animals in the environment they live in or also by the biomes they lived in

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the major focus of renaissance artists was on nature and the human form.

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any form of art except sculpture, architecture, music, painting, and poetry wich belong to the major art

What major art form of cro-magnons was?

Painting on cave walls.

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The major art form of cro magnons was?

The major art form of Cro-Magnons was cave painting. These early humans created intricate and detailed paintings on the walls of caves, depicting animals, hunting scenes, and symbolic designs. This form of art provided valuable insights into the culture and daily life of Cro-Magnon people.

What did cromagnons hunt?

Large animals, like bison, horse, mammoth, etc.

What are the major functions of art?

two major functions of art are : Me and YOu.

Cromagnons were classified as and also known for their spectacular what?

Cave paintings and having body ornamentation

What was a major focus of Renaissance art as opposed to Medieval art?

Religious images were not a major focus of Renaissance art as opposed to Medieval art.