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subsistence farming

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Q: The most common type of farming in Latin America is?
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What is the most common type of vetetation throughout latin America?

The most common type of vegetation that runs through latin America is tropical rainforests.

Is the protestant the most widely practiced religion in Latin America?

No. Roman Catholicism is the most common religion in Latin America.

What is the most common currency in latin America?

The Peso

Second most common language in latin America?

The second most common language in Latin America is Portuguese, predominantly spoken in Brazil.

What is the most common type of vegetation in Latin America?

The most common type of vegetation in Llatin America is tropical rainforest.

What is the most common religion in latin amwrica?

Latin America is predominetly Roman Catholic.

What language is most commonly spoken in Latin America?

Spanish is the most commonly spoken language in Latin America. Portuguese is also widely spoken in Brazil.

Where did most new US immigrants come from in the 2000s?

Latin America

Where is one of the most productive farming regions in latin America?

It is known as the pampas (Quechua for plains); these are fertile lowlands found in Argentina, Uruguay and southern Brazil, on South America.

What type of government does Latin America use?

Latin America is a cultural region that spans Mexico, most of Central America, the Caribbean and South America. As such, there are several countries within the region, having different types of government. The most common is the representative republic.

What kind of government does Latin America have?

Latin America is a region and does not have a government. The individual countries that are in Latin America have democracies for the most part.

What is the most common occupation in Afghanistan?

Farming and agriculture