


Latin America

The countries of the Western Hemisphere south of the United States, especially those speaking Spanish, Portuguese, or French.

2,182 Questions

What role did Europe play in latin America development?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sorcerer-priests, also known as "wu" (巫) in ancient China, played a crucial role in the early development of Chinese music. Their contributions can be understood in the following ways:

  1. **Ritual Music**: Sorcerer-priests were central to religious and ritual ceremonies, where music was an essential component. These ceremonies often involved dances, chants, and the use of musical instruments to communicate with deities, spirits, and ancestors.

  2. *Development of Musical Instruments*: The need for ritual music led to the creation and refinement of various musical instruments. For instance, early instruments like drums, bells, and flutes were used in these rituals, influencing the evolution of Chinese musical instrumentation.

  3. *Cultural Transmission*: As key figures in religious and communal life, sorcerer-priests helped transmit musical traditions and practices from one generation to the next. This included the teaching of musical pieces, dance forms, and the significance of music in rituals.

  4. *Musical Notation and Theory*: Although formal musical notation in China developed later, the ritual music of sorcerer-priests contributed to the early foundations of Chinese musical theory. The structured use of music in rituals likely influenced the systematic approach to music that developed in later periods.

Overall, the sorcerer-priests' integration of music into spiritual and ritual practices significantly impacted the early development and cultural significance of Chinese music.

Three major ethnic groups in Latin America?

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Asked by Wiki User

Three major ethnic groups of Latin America & Caribbean America include Indigenous people, People of different African descent, and people of European descent.

Which country in Latin America has all of these climate that include Highlands Arid Semiarid Mediterranean and Marine West Coast?

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Chile is the Latin American country that has all of these climates, including highlands, arid, semiarid, Mediterranean, and marine west coast climates. The country's unique geography, with its long and narrow shape, allows for a diverse range of climates and ecosystems to exist within its borders.

What obstacles have slowed the development of Latin America's transportation and communications system?

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Asked by Wiki User

Challenges such as inadequate infrastructure, geographic barriers like mountains and jungles, political instability, and economic constraints have hindered the development of Latin America's transportation and communication systems. This has limited connectivity within the region and with the rest of the world, impacting economic growth and social development.

Where can the tropical savanna climate be found in Latin America?

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Asked by Wiki User

The tropical savanna climate can be found in parts of Mexico, Central America, and northern South America. Countries such as Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil, and parts of Ecuador have regions with a tropical savanna climate characterized by distinct wet and dry seasons.

How do the ring of fire impacts natural events in Latin America?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Ring of Fire in Latin America is a region with a high concentration of volcanic activity and seismic movements. This can lead to frequent earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis in countries like Mexico, Guatemala, Chile, and Ecuador. These natural events can have significant impacts on the local populations, infrastructure, and economy of the affected areas.

What are some examples of mineral and energy resources found in abundance in Latin America?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some examples of mineral resources found in abundance in Latin America include copper in Chile, iron ore in Brazil, and silver in Mexico. Energy resources like oil in Venezuela, natural gas in Argentina, and hydroelectric power in Brazil are also plentiful in the region.

What are some major mineral resources found in Latin America?

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Asked by Wiki User

Latin America is rich in mineral resources, including copper, gold, silver, iron ore, and lithium. Countries like Chile, Peru, and Brazil are among the top producers of these minerals in the region. Mining plays a significant role in the economies of many Latin American countries.

Why does Chaucer dwell more on the Pardoner's love of money than on any other aspect of his character?

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Asked by Wiki User

Chaucer emphasizes the Pardoner's love of money to highlight his hypocrisy and moral corruption. By focusing on this aspect of the Pardoner's character, Chaucer critiques the greed and dishonesty prevalent in the medieval church and society at the time. Through the Pardoner's love of money, Chaucer exposes the moral decay and spiritual emptiness of the character.

What is the largest peninsula in Latin America?

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Asked by Wiki User

The largest peninsula in Latin America is the Yucatán Peninsula, which is located in southeastern Mexico and extends into parts of Belize and Guatemala. It is known for its rich cultural history, including the ancient Mayan archaeological sites such as Chichen Itza and Tulum.

What causes fertile soil in latin America?

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Asked by Wiki User

Fertile soil in Latin America is typically the result of a combination of factors, including climate, topography, and geology. Volcanic activity has enriched the soil in some regions, while rainfall and organic matter accumulation contribute to its fertility. Additionally, human activities such as crop rotation and sustainable farming practices can further enhance soil fertility in the region.

What is the only mammal capable of opening Brazil nuts unaided?

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Asked by Ginezumi

The aguti (Dasyprocta spp) is the only mammal that is capable of opening Brazil nuts unaided.

Specifically, the aguti has strong forepaws and sharp teeth. It is the only mammal that needs absolutely no tools other than its teeth to open the sturdy, stubborn, scrumptious Brazil nuts. Brazil nuts are among its most favorite food in its range from northern South America through the West Indies and into Middle America.

How does climate affect the natural vegetation of Latin America?

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Asked by Wiki User

Climate in Latin America influences the type of vegetation that can thrive in different regions. For example, rainforests are found in areas with high temperatures and high precipitation, while deserts are found in areas with low rainfall. The variety of climates in Latin America supports diverse ecosystems, including tropical rainforests, savannas, and alpine forests. Additionally, climate change is impacting the distribution and health of natural vegetation in the region.

What are facts about popocatepetl?

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Popocatepetl is an active volcano located in Mexico, near Mexico City. It is the second highest peak in Mexico, reaching an elevation of 5,426 meters (17,802 feet). Popocatepetl is considered one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world due to its large population nearby and history of significant eruptions.

Where should you go when popocatepetl erupts?

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If Popocatepetl erupts, follow local authorities' evacuation orders and move to a safe location outside of the danger zone. Stay tuned to emergency alerts and updates for further instructions on where to go for shelter and safety. It is crucial to have an emergency plan in place and to always prioritize your safety and that of others.

What are The five vertical climates zones in the highlands of Latin America are determined by?

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Asked by Wiki User

The five vertical climate zones in the highlands of Latin America are determined by altitude, which affects temperature, precipitation, and vegetation. These zones are tierra caliente (hot land), tierra templada (temperate land), tierra fría (cold land), tierra helada (frozen land), and tierra nevada (snow-covered land).

Does Most of Latin America have a humid subtropical climate?

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No, most of Latin America does not have a humid subtropical climate. The region is diverse in its climate types, including tropical, desert, temperate, and highland climates. Humid subtropical climates are mainly found in regions such as southeastern Brazil, parts of Argentina, and Uruguay.

What ancient art form inspired the regions painters?

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Asked by Wiki User

The ancient art form of cave paintings, as seen in places like Lascaux in France, inspired regions' painters with their depictions of animals and hunting scenes. These early artworks showcased the talents of our ancestors and set the foundation for artistic expression in later civilizations.

What is the strongest Latin America country?

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It is subjective to determine the strongest country in Latin America as strength can be measured in various ways such as economy, military power, or political influence. As of now, Brazil tends to be considered one of the strongest countries in the region due to its large economy, population, and landmass.

What is the term for the place where a tide meets a current river?

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The term for the place where a tide meets a river current is called the "tidal bore." This phenomenon occurs when the rising tide enters a river channel, causing the water to flow upstream against the current.

Why is the Mediterranean islands a popular tourists attraction?

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Asked by Xoxocutegirl95

The Mediterranean islands are popular tourist attractions due to their beautiful landscapes, pleasant climate, rich history and culture, delicious cuisine, and various recreational activities such as beaches, water sports, and hiking. These islands offer a diverse range of experiences that appeal to different types of travelers.

What three cash crops supply much of latin America's income?

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Asked by Wiki User

Three cash crops that supply much of Latin America's income are coffee, soybeans, and sugarcane. These crops are widely cultivated and exported from countries like Brazil, Colombia, and Argentina, contributing significantly to the region's economy.

What is natural increase rate of Latin America?

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It wildly varies among countries, but regional population growth is around 1.2% (2013). Some statistics for particular countries are included:

  • Mexico: 1.09
  • Brazil: 0.86
  • Argentina: 1.00
  • Colombia: 1.13
  • Chile: 0.88