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William Wordsworth's The Solitary Reaper, a short lyrical Ballad, conveys the theme of ironic beauty of melancholy over more positive feelings such as joy projected through the song of a highland lass. Composed of thirty two lines and divided into four stanzas, the poem is dominated by one central figure, a highland girl standing alone in a field harvesting grain. The poem is written in the first person and can be classified as pastoral, describing a scene from the country life.

In the first stanza, the poet indicates how the solitary highland lass is reaping and singing a song which is incomprehensible to the poet. The poet urges not to disturb her in her work and her singing. He suggests one to either watch her or gently pass from the scene. The poet highlights how the solitary reaper sings a melancholic tune while doing her work. The poet emphasises how the entire valley is flowing with the sound of the song.

In the second stanza, the poet is all praises for the tune of the song. The poet is unable to understand the language of the song but the tune is quite expressive. In this stanza, the poet employs the literary device of metaphor and hyperbole to emphasise the enchanting quality of the song. The poet categorically says that no nightingale did ever chant in such a mellifluous voice, the quality of voice of the reaper surpassing that of the cuckoo-bird in spring.

In the third stanza, the poet tries to conjecture about the themes of the song. Given its melancholy tune, the poet feels that the theme of the song might be of some natural sorrow, loss or pain or of battles fought long ago.

Finally, the poet concludes that even if he cannot grasp the meaning of the song, he finds the tune touching his heart and lingering in his mind for ever giving him joy despite its melancholy nature.

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6mo ago

The main theme of "The Solitary Reaper" by William Wordsworth is the power of nature to evoke deep emotions and inspire creativity in the observer. The poem emphasizes the beauty and significance of simple, everyday moments and the lasting impact they can have on an individual.

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14y ago

The solitary reaper is working, cutting and binding grain, and at the same time singing a sad strain. She is standing single in the field, on a deep mountain valley.

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16y ago

Scottish Maiden? Highland lass?

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The poem "Solitary Reaper" by William Wordsworth conveys the theme of the beauty and emotive power of nature and music. The poem emphasizes the transformative quality of the reaper's song on the speaker, leaving a lasting impact on him as he reflects on the solitary reaper's song even after he has moved on. The poem highlights the universal connection that music and nature can create, transcending language and cultural barriers.

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William Wordsworth was the writer of the poem THE SOLITARY REAPER.

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The Solitary Reaper by William Wordsworth was written on the 5th of November, 1805. It was published in the year 1807.

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"The Solitary Reaper" is a ballad poem written by William Wordsworth. It tells the story of a solitary reaper in a Scottish field singing a melancholic song, which captures the poet's attention and resonates with him long after he has left the scene. The poem explores themes of nature, solitude, and the power of music.

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In "The Solitary Reaper" by William Wordsworth, the alteration scheme is ABABCDEDCDE. The poem features stanzas with a varied rhyme scheme, which adds to its lyrical and musical quality. Wordsworth's use of alternating rhymes helps to create a melodic rhythm that mimics the reaper's song.

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In William Wordsworth's poem "The Solitary Reaper," the speaker describes a moment when he hears the reaper singing while working in the field. The speaker is struck by the beauty and melancholy of her song, which seems to overflow with emotion and fills the landscape with its enchanting sound. The solitary reaper's song captures the speaker's attention and resonates with him long after he has moved on from the scene.

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Realism in "The Solitary Reaper" by William Wordsworth is evident in the lyrical depiction of a solitary female figure singing and reaping in the Scottish landscape. The poem captures the vividness of the natural world and the emotions echoed in the simple, everyday scene. This adherence to depicting real-life experiences and emotions grounds the poem in reality while exploring themes of beauty, nature, and the power of music.

What is solitary reaper mthenolagy?

"Solitary Reaper" is a poem by William Wordsworth that describes a woman harvesting and singing in the Scottish Highlands. The poem explores themes of nature, beauty, and the power of music to evoke emotions. In the end, the poet reflects on the profound impact of the woman's song, which continues to resonate in his memory.

What is the central idea of poem The Solitary Reaper by William Wordsworth?

To me, what Wordsworth is doing in this poem is thinking about the nature of art and poetry. In this poem, he hears the girl singing and he thinks that the song is really beautiful. However, he does not understand her song. Probably this is because she is not singing in English (she's Scottish). Even though he does not understand her, he is struck by how beautiful her song is and he says he heard it in his heart long after he couldn't actually hear it anymore. I think this represents his idea that art and poetry are things of pure emotion like that song, and not things for understanding with your brain.

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The central idea of a poem is the main theme that is represented in the poem. Topic is another word for theme.

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