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malle·a·bly adv.

Synonyms: malleable, ductile, plastic, pliable, pliant

These adjectives mean capable of being shaped, bent, or drawn out: malleable metals such as gold and silver; ductile copper; a plastic substance such as wax; soaked the leather to make it pliable; pliant molten glass.

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Q: The term that describes the ability of many metals to be pounded into thin sheets?
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What is the term that describes the ability of many metals to be pounded into sheets?

malleability is when metals can be flattened into thin sheets.

What is the term that describes the ability of many metals to be pounded to thin sheets?

malleability is when metals can be flattened into thin sheets.

What is the terms that describes the ability of many metals to be pounded into thin sheets?

malleability is when metals can be flattened into thin sheets.

What term describes the ability of many metals to be pounded into thin sheets?


What is the term that describes the ability of many metals to be pounded into thin sheets?

malleability is when metals can be flattened into thin sheets.

Term that describes the describes the ability of many metals to be pounded into thin sheets?

That property of the substance is its "malleability".

The two properties of metals that pertain to their ability to be drawn into wires are pounded into shape are?

Ductality and malleablity are the two qualities of metals which would make metals' ability to be seperated into wires and sheets respectively.

Why dont metals break when pounded into sheets or drawn into wires?

Ductility and malleability are two properties of metals

What cannot be rolled into wires or pounded into sheets?

Metalloids, Metals, Non-metals NotesThe answer is liquid because liquid cannot be rolled into wires orpounded into sheets.

Is the ability of a substance to be rolled or pounded into thin sheets?

Malleability. Hammer an object to thin sheets. Aluminum foils as an example

What is the ability of a material to be pounded into thin sheets?

Malleability is the physical property of matter, generally applied to metals, to be hammered or rolled into thin sheets. Some common malleable materials are gold, silver, and plastic substances like wax.

What is the ability of a substance to be pounded into shapes or molded?

malleability is the ability to be hammered into thin sheets, and ductility is the ability to bend without breaking